Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Sarah Cagle
Children: Anastasia (6 months)
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Occupation: Content Creator + SAHM
When and how did you get connected with Solly?
I’ve known about Solly Baby for years from friends who used the wrap for their babies, so when my time came, I got one for my first.
What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
The simplest and most mundane things often fill my heart when I take the time to appreciate them. Most recently it’s been sitting at the table sharing dinner and conversation with my husband, then ending our day in our bed as a family of three.
Favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
My Solly Wrap was the first carrier I used. It’s perfect for the newborn phase. We love our contact naps around here, so I love how the wrap provides an opportunity to be hands-free and get a few things done while my baby sleeps on me.
How do you define your role as a mother?
I see my role as a mother as being the heart of our home, the center of love and tenderness for my children, and to carry the responsibility of nurturing my children both in body and soul. I believe motherhood is equally a beautiful blessing and sacrifice, but nothing is more fulfilling to me than being a mother.

What’s something about motherhood that has surprised you?
A mother’s strength and intuition! I was fortunate to have an incredible home birth with only my husband and midwives present and I was amazed by what my body was capable of! As I prepared for motherhood, I was intentional about being in tune with my intuition, which benefited me throughout my pregnancy and labor, and carried into my postpartum period.
Walk us through a typical day in your life.
Our mornings are slow. Usually I “chat” with my baby right when she wakes up, then we’ll share breakfast together, and get out for a morning activity, which is either running to the grocery store, attending our moms group or church women’s study, or swimming in the bay. Our afternoons are spent resting or doing housework and in the evening we eat dinner and spend time together as a family.
First place you took your baby (other than the pediatrician’s office)?
After the birth of my daughter, we intentionally stayed home for 40 days (with the exception of visiting my niece who was born less than two weeks after my daughter). The first place we went was to our church. When baby is 40 days old, there is a special ceremony called a “Churching” where the priest prays for the mother and baby and blesses the baby. It was a special occasion coming back into our community after they all awaited her arrival.

Something you loved to do before baby that you still do or would like to start up again?
My husband and I love to go beach camping! We typically go in the fall, so we look forward to returning to our favorite spot this year with our little girl.
First thing you ate after giving birth?
Beef stew!

What’s something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more
I wish more people talked about how much nutrition and lifestyle can improve your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience. I truly believe that my birth and postpartum experience went so smoothly because of the intention behind creating healthy habits, both in my diet and lifestyle. I highly recommend reading through Lily Nichols’ “Real Food for Pregnancy” for such amazing insight into how powerful real food and healthy lifestyle habits can be!
Tell us about your journey to motherhood.
I always knew I wanted to be a mom one day. I spent my teen years around children at my job and through babysitting for family friends. My husband and I got married right after I graduated college and we knew we wanted to spend a few years just the two of us, so we did. They were a refining couple of years with a lot of change, but the year came and we were hopeful to start a family. We found out we were expecting in the spring of 2023 and we couldn’t have been happier! My pregnancy was such a beautiful journey, other than several weeks of nausea. I spent the months expanding physically, spiritually, and within my heart. I was supported by family, friends, and midwives, and even got to experience pregnancy with my sister-in-law who was due just a couple of weeks after me. It was such a special time of preparation and soaking in life just the two of us before our family grew. We welcomed our little girl, Anastasia Rose, in early January and I have never been more full of love.

What was the fourth trimester like for you?
It was such a restful time. After giving birth I stayed home for 40 days. I spent the first ten days in my bed, then would go downstairs to the living room for a couple hours a day after that. Once I was strong enough, I would go for walks around my neighborhood for some sunlight and exercise. I wanted to prioritize rest and bonding for the first several weeks and I was very grateful to have had such a sweet time soaking in all the newborn snuggles.
Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
When it comes to raising your children, they will do as the mother does. If she prays, they will pray. If she loves, they will love. If she is kind, they will learn kindness. If she’s generous, the children will give. The list can go on!
What are three things in your motherhood starter pack?
- A good baby carrier
- A big water bottle
- And a fully stocked diaper caddy for your nightstand
What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What’s on your wishlist?
I have the Wrap and a pair of Sleepers and absolutely love them! I hope to add more Sleepers to my collection!
How about a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Any pastry with a glass of raw milk!
Podcast: Are You Menstrual, Love in a Cottage, and Lord of Spirits
Children’s Book: We Believe by Draw Near Designs
Mama-time activity: Swimming in the ocean
After bedtime snack: A warm cup of hot cocoa (yes, even in July!)