Pregnancy Essentials for Every Trimester – Solly Baby

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Pregnancy Essentials for Every Trimester

Pregnancy Essentials for Every Trimester

Solly Baby's copywriter and mom of two shares her pregnancy must-haves for each trimester. 

If I could list out my emotions the day I found out I was pregnant with my first, it’d go something like this: shocked, nervous, thrilled, disbelief, thrilled part two, panic (in that order). An hour after taking a positive pregnancy test, I texted one of my best friends the news and immediately pummeled her with a string of questions. How do I do this? What do I need to know? Do I need to start buying stuff? What’s the first thing I need to put on my to-do list? I was overwhelmed at the thought of all I didn’t know.

As it turned out, at six weeks pregnant, there wasn’t much I needed to do immediately besides pick up some prenatal vitamins and celebrate the new life growing inside of me. After that, I learned what I needed gradually as my body changed week by week. Here’s my personal list of pregnancy favorites, broken down by trimester.

First Trimester Essentials

"First Trimester" text with a photo of vitamins, bra, and ginger chews

Prenatal vitamins
Picking out a prenatal vitamin is like trying to figure out what to eat when you’re starving—the options seem endless and everything sounds pretty good. I did a basic search (pregnancy is just a 9-month series of Google searches, am I right?) and found this helpful article. Ultimately, I opted for these because they were affordable, included folic acid (important for baby's brain and spine development), and had no added sugar. If you're willing to pay a bit more, I've heard great things about the prenatal vitamins produced by Thorne and Ritual as well. 

P.S. That article linked above is produced by ParentData, a company led by Emily Oster that helps parents make decisions based on data. She has a fantastic book called Expecting Better that uses research to support and oppose conventional pregnancy wisdom (don't eat deli meat, drink caffeine, consume alcohol, etc. It was the only parenting book I read while pregnant and I gift it to all of my new mom friends!

Tummy drops 
I consider myself one of the lucky ones who felt pretty good throughout most of my first pregnancy, but when the nausea (and sickness) did hit during weeks 6-11, I found these ginger drops to be helpful. I've been more sick my second time around and taking a combination of Vitamin B6 and Unisom nightly is the only way I survived the first trimester. 

Non-underwire bras
My body was incredibly sensitive throughout the first trimester, especially my chest. This hardware-free bra is aptly named—so comfy.


Second Trimester Essentials

"Second Trimester" text with photo of Stanley tumbler, pregnancy pillow, and body oil

Body pillow
I tried to put off getting a pregnancy pillow for as long as I could because I just didn’t want another thing in my bed. But as my belly grew bigger, I needed the extra support. I love that this pillow isn’t as big as others on the market, but still provided the support I needed for my back, hips, and growing belly. 

Lotion / Oil 
I used a combination of this lotion and oil twice a day—morning and night—from my second trimester on. It helped soothe my stretched, itchy skin and I loved knowing baby could feel me rubbing my belly. 

Water Bottle
Hydration is key always, but especially during pregnancy and postpartum. In my opinion, this water bottle lives up to the hype. I drink three a day and take it with me everywhere. On days when I needed an extra boost of hydration, these electrolyte packs helped keep my pregnancy headaches at bay. 

Third Trimester Essentials

"Third Trimester" text with photo of exercise ball, cute PJ set, and raspberry tea

Comfy pajamas
After waking up one morning in my third trimester with an indent around my waist from too-tight pajama bottoms, I realized it was time to invest in new, comfy options. I got this cozy set and now it’s my go-to gift for all my pregnant friends. 

Birthing ball
I used this as a chair and a tool for stretching every single day at the end of my pregnancy. 

Red raspberry leaf tea
When I asked my midwife about things I could be eating or drinking to support a healthy labor and delivery, she recommended red raspberry leaf tea. I got this brand and drank it daily throughout my last 4 weeks.  

Fourth Trimester Essentials

In case you aren't familiar, the first three months postpartum—that tender and trying time when you're simultaneously recovering from birth and adjusting to life with a new baby—are often referred to as the fourth trimester. And just like during pregnancy, it comes with its own lineup of essentials to make things a bit smoother. 

A birth recovery kit
What you need to recover from birth will largely depend on what kind of delivery you have (vaginal vs. C-section) and your experience (did you have any tearing? an episiotomy? was this your first birth?) but most moms I know (myself included!) swear by these kits from Frida Mom: this one for vaginal delivery and this one for C-sections. 

RELATED: Postpartum Essentials Every Mom Needs

The Solly Wrap
You might be thinking, "Yeah, okay. They're biased." But one scroll through our reviews will show you we're not the only ones who consider the wrap a fourth trimester essential. There are so many reasons to babywear in those early weeks and months postpartum, and the Solly Wrap is truly the most comfortable carrier for the newborn stage. Plus, unlike most other carriers on the market, it's C-section-friendly

Encouragement and grace
Two things money can't buy, but that are arguably the most essential for your fourth trimester (and beyond!). Remember, despite what Instagram tries to tell you, no one has this parenting thing figured out. Extend all the grace (to yourself, to your partner, to your baby), and receive all the encouragement. And if you find yourself wanting more of the latter (who doesn't?), be sure to sign up for our postpartum affirmation text journey. We'll send you an encouraging text every day for your first 40 days after baby arrives. 

*Note: Solly Baby writers are experienced parents who independently curate and share their favorite products. If you buy something recommended by them through links on our site, Solly may earn a commission.

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