9 Tips for the 9th Month – Solly Baby

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9 Tips for the 9th Month

sb_finals-1 My pregnancy is winding down now and even though it’s not my first rodeo, I’m finding myself really trying to make the best of these final weeks. I put together a list of my top nine tips for not just enduring the ninth month, but really savoring and enjoying it. Because, despite all the aches and pains, there’s a part of me that knows this final pregnancy of mine will be over before I know it. So here they are - Whether it’s your first or fourth pregnancy, I hope you find these tips helpful! 1. Date night out. As a couple or with friends! In the early months of parenthood it can be trickier to dine at the places you always have. So make a list of places and restaurants you can’t picture bringing your newborn to and cross some off the list in the final month. As excited you are about your new addition, it’s okay and beneficial to soak up as much one on one time with your partner and friends as you can! 2. Date night in. Experiment with a recipe you’ve been meaning to try and watch a movie or batch cook a handful of meals you can freeze for those first couple weeks and stay up late chatting. I can’t tell you how helpful it is to have some meals prepared in that first week too. It’s simple, survival tasks like this that have truly provided some of the best memories and support when labor and motherhood is on the horizon. 3. Pamper yourself. Get a haircut/color, manicure, pedicure, pregnancy massage, facial, etc. I recommend a manageable hairstyle for new mothers. Those special occasion manicures and pedicures are especially challenging after baby arrives because it becomes much more of an event when you need a sitter and so forth. Take the time for yourself to really just relax and be selfish before you’re caring for a little one!   paired   4. Take ten minutes a day to meditate. I found this incredibly important in the final days of pregnancy and a great way to connect with myself and my baby. It helped me calm and quiet my mind, which was unbelievably helpful during labor. Meditation was also incredibly beneficial when it came to staying present and not trying to rush the last month. (I know, easier said than done!) 5. Catch up and get ahead on sleep. It’s no secret that sleep becomes so much more precious after becoming a parent, but during pregnancy it can be quite the struggle too. I found that having a pregnancy pillow, rotating sides throughout the night, wearing comfortable clothing to bed and avoiding downing too much water before hitting the hay helped tremendously when it came to getting a good night’s sleep. Also, naps!   sb_finals-26   6. Keep a cozy, feminine robe around the house for before and after labor. I wore my robe around like crazy before giving birth, brought it to the hospital to wear after giving birth, and definitely wore it a ton when getting adjusted to nursing at home. Chances are you’re going to be sporting mostly PJs in the beginning so a robe is a great alternative that makes you feel a little more put together. 7. Take a walk with nothing but your keys. After having your baby it’s difficult to just run out of the house with anything smaller than your diaper bag, and not to mention the time it takes to just pack said diaper bag, so this sort of outing will quickly become a novelty. Plus, it’s incredibly beneficial for both your body and mind to take long (read: slow!) walks as you near the end of your pregnancy.   sb_finals-34   8. Take advantage of quiet moments. Read, watch a movie, take a nap or just simply sit and enjoy the silence. Whether you want to believe it or not these simple things will be a little more complicated in a month’s time. This is something I’m focusing on this time around with my pregnancy. Ask yourself what are your favorite things to do to relax and carve out some time for them! 9. Do something special for your partner. There are going to be a few months coming up here where your baby is going to take up the majority of your attention and care. And while so much of this time is about the birth mom and baby, your partner is part of it too! Doing something simple will make them feel loved and appreciated up front, something you can remind them of once baby arrives.   sb_finals-31   Photography: Jamie Arrigo

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