Madi Nelson on Life With Baby No. 4 – Solly Baby

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Madi Nelson on Life With Baby No. 4

Madi Nelson on Life With Baby No. 4

Our latest collaboration with Madi Nelson is officially here! To celebrate the launch of The Sweet Shoppe, we caught up with the mom of four(!) about the inspiration behind the prints, how newborn life is going the fourth time around, and the weirdest pregnancy craving ever.
Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Madi Nelson
Children: Easton (6 years), Noah (5 years), Navy (22 months), and Haven (3 months)
Location: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Mom, blogger, small business owner
How is life going as a mom of four?
Going from three to four has been the easiest transition yet! Getting all six of us out the door is a different story though! Haha.
How has your postpartum journey been this time around?
This has also been my easiest recovery yet and easiest breastfeeding experience. It’s taken me four tries to get here, and she’s also just such an easygoing baby!
Mother sits in nursery chair with feet propped up and baby resting on her knees. Her older sister lookings over mom's shoulders to admire the baby.
How have the older three been adjusting to life with their little sis?
They are all obsessed with her. Navy is 2 and we have a hard time keeping her away from her “BEBEEEE!!!” 
Our newest collaboration with you is a celebration of the sweet nothings and everythings of motherhood. What’s a sweet motherhood moment you’ve experienced lately?
It’s just been so sweet to see all four kids together and knowing our family is now complete. I still can’t believe I have four!!
Close up image of mom holding her baby in the Candy Stripe Solly Wrap and grabbing the little baby footCloseup image of baby sleeping in the Starburst Solly Baby carrier snuggling close to mom
Our first collaboration with you was a neutral checkered print that has been a serious fave with the Solly community. This collection features a playful take on classic baby girl and boy colors. What was the inspiration behind Candy Stripe and Starburst?
I wanted two prints that felt soft and versatile—they are almost like neutral colors and go with any outfit!
Knowing Haven is your last baby, what’s something that you’re especially savoring this time around, knowing she’s your last?
Everything! I’ve just been trying to soak it all in and not worry too much about anything because I know the newborn days are so fleeting. We still don’t get much sleep but I love snuggling with her all night. 
Woman holds baby in the Distsy Floral Solly Baby carrier wrapWoman carriers sleeping baby in the Starburst Solly Baby carrier wrap
How many babies have you used the wrap with now?
I was intimidated by wraps for my first two and discovered the Solly with Navy (my third). She lovedddd the Solly Wrap and so does Haven! As a busy mom of four, I wear her all day in it to be able to get stuff done. 
Woman looks down as she sits and nurses her baby in the Starburst Nursing CoverWoman smiles as she nurses baby in the Candy Stripe Nursing Cover
This is your fourth baby but your first one using our nursing cover since it only launched recently. What's your review?
I love it so much! This has been my easiest nursing experience so far and a lot of it is because I feel comfortable nursing her on the go with the cover.
Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Fave indulgence: Candy
Drink of choice: I love an iced brown sugar shaken espresso from Starbucks
Sans-kids mama-time activity: Browsing TJ Maxx, Home Goods or Target
Weirdest pregnancy craving: Smells… I was very anemic and loved smelling dryer sheets, lol
Post-bedtime snack: Any sour/gummy candy or chocolate



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