These are the moments. It’s a phrase I’ve found myself repeating over and over again lately, and I’ll tell you why.
My daughter turned three this last year, which is an age that’s equal parts fun, exciting, and completely exhausting. And sometimes—when our days are filled with rushing from one thing to the next and the living room is filled with toys and I find myself asking for the millionth time what we’re going to have for dinner—I pause to remind myself that these very moments are the ones I dreamed about at one point.
I’m sure the details of your life look different than mine. Maybe you recently welcomed your first baby into the world (congratulations, mama!) or maybe you have a few at home, another on the way, and you’ve totally nailed the dinner every night thing (send tips!). But no matter how many kids you have or how old they are, my guess is that you can relate: These moments you’re living now (at least some of them) are the ones an earlier version of you hoped for.
And so, I wonder if the mantra I’ve had on repeat might be one that you adopt for the coming year as well.
When baby is placed on your chest and you meet face-to-face for the first time.
Or when you catch your reflection with a newborn in your arms and see yourself in all your long-awaited motherhood glory.
When you hear them laugh for the first time or celebrate your first holiday together.
When the toddler that’s been grumpy and throwing tantrums all day rests their head on your shoulder and falls asleep in your arms.
Whether they catch you by surprise or come after long seasons of anticipation, may you find yourself repeating again and again: These are the moments.
Of deep love and newfound strength. Of hope fulfilled and dreams come true. Moments that carry you through sleepless nights and make every last load of laundry worth it.
I’ll be right here saying it with you.
With love,
Nicole Newhouse
Solly Baby CEO