Full Heart with Hannah Brown – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Hannah Brown

Full Heart with Hannah Brown

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Hannah Brown
Children: Ophelia (5 years), Winnie (2 years) and Gus (5 weeks)
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Occupation: Stay at home mom and content creator

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
Sitting at the dinner table, my two-year-old asked me in a full sentence, "Mama, what was your favorite part of the day?" And it just made me so incredibly happy. We've been taking turns asking and answering this question at the dinner table for the past two years with our oldest, and it made my heart feel so full to hear my two-year-old ask me for the first time.

Mom and young daughter hold hands and smile in front of a ferris wheel at a fair

Motherhood in five words or less.
A constant rollercoaster

Journey to motherhood?
I always knew I wanted to be a mom. I was blessed to conceive quickly with my first and second, but Gus was our little curveball babe that we weren't expecting! Little did we know that he would fit into our family perfectly.

Father and 2 young daughters join mother and newborn baby in the hospital bed to admire their new son/brother

What about birth stories?
I was induced with Ophelia and had a very smooth delivery. With Winnie, my water broke three days after my due date, and also had a really smooth and simple birth. With Gus, I went into labor two days after my due date after getting a membrane sweep. After arriving at the hospital, I got an epidural and shortly after my heart rate dropped really low. They luckily brought it back up and everything was fine again. Later on though my epidural stopped working (around 8cm) and I was NOT expecting that. I was used to painless deliveries with my first two, but this one was an out-of-body experience. Thankfully he arrived quickly and safely though!

You’re a little over a month into your fourth trimester with baby no. 3. How’s it going?
Since this is my third, I'm savoring the slow moments a lot more. For the first three weeks, my husband and I slept in shifts because Gus wouldn't let us put him down to sleep. We were so tired, but somehow okay because we accepted it for what it was. Postpartum with my girls was really hard on my relationship with my husband, but Gus has brought us closer together. I owe a lot to my husband this time. He's been my rock through it all and makes sure everyone is taken care of. We've truly been wonderful teammates this time around.

Three things in your new mom starter pack:

  1. Solly Baby Wrap
  2. Snoo Sleeper
  3. Freezer meals and coffee!!! 

Something about motherhood that has surprised you?
I didn't expect to love my kids so much immediately after birth. It's this crazy hard-to-explain feeling where I didn't need to get to know them. It's like they were part of me all along. It was so surprising to me how easily each one just fit into our lives.

Pregnancy cravings/aversions?
I am not a sweets person AT ALL, but with each pregnancy, I couldn't get enough chocolate custard. I would eat it at least four times a week. So weird for me!

Day in the life?
My husband wakes up early and makes breakfast and gets our oldest two daughters out of bed. I usually wake up with the baby around 7 am, feed him, and get my oldest to school. After that, it's a cycle of playing, nursing the baby, cooking, and cleaning until it's time for school pickup! Then I make dinner, my husband helps get the girls to bed while I take care of the baby, and then I like to unwind with some TV and phone scrolling.

Mother and two young daughters smile as they bake together at the kitchen counter

You magically get an extra hour in your day. How are you spending it?
Have more down-time in the afternoon with my girls. Not having to feel rushed in the evenings would be amazing. 

Woman stands shoulder deep in the pool and lifts up baby wearing a sun hat

First place you took your babies?
With Ophelia, we went to the pool (we stayed under the shade the whole time). With Winnie, we went to the farmers market. And with Gus, we went to a coffee shop after his pediatric appointment!

Something you loved to do before baby that you would like to start up again eventually?
I love going to concerts. I still do occasionally, but not near as often as I'd like. It's definitely hard to navigate with little kids. I don't always want to leave them, plus I don't like staying out late anymore. As they get older I'm sure that'll change!

First thing you ate after giving birth?
Ophelia: Burger and cheese curds
Winnie: Bagel breakfast sandwich and a HUGE coffee
Gus: Burger and fries

What’s something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more?
I wish people talked about how to find your village if you aren't blessed with one. For many years, I've lived away from my family (they recently just moved closer, yay!!) but it was so hard to find our groove as parents without a ton of support. There's tons of advice out there that tells you to prioritize time as a couple, but not a lot of advice that helps you do that when you don't have a village of support.

RELATED: How to Meet New Mom Friends

Did you find your village when your family lived far away? If so, any tips for others navigating similar circumstances?
Oh gosh. I was very thankful to have found good friends that loved our children like their own, and even met fellow moms through social media that became real-life friends! My best tip for finding your village is to truly accept help when it's offered. For the longest time, I felt like since I didn't have a familial village, I was made to do it alone. And that wasn't the case at all. I struggled with accepting the help that was being offered because it wasn't how I wanted it to be. But I learned to lean on those who wanted to help, and let go of my own control. Basically when someone offers to help, even if it may not fit the vision you have in your head, let them help.

What Solly pieces do you have? What's on your wishlist?
I have multiple crib sheets, sleepers, and wraps. I need the new Totepack and nursing cover though! 

Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: A good glass of red wine
Children’s book: ​​The Gruffalo
Drink of choice: Either a crisp Diet Coke or a vanilla cold brew
Mama-time activity: Game night with friends
Motherhood-related topic you could talk about for 15 min uninterrupted: Breastfeeding
After bedtime snack: Double butter popcorn

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