Megan Roup’s Top Five Registry Must-Haves – Solly Baby

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Megan Roup’s Top Five Registry Must-Haves

Megan Roup’s Top Five Registry Must-Haves

If you’re into effective workouts that take 50 minutes or less and can be done at home, you’re probably already familiar with Megan Roup. If not, let us do the honor of introducing you to Solly Baby’s Movement Director and the founder of The Sculpt Society.

A mom of two, Megan knows about more than just creating engaging workout programs. We sat down with her to find out what her top five baby registry must-haves are. The best soundbite from our convo? “Babies need a lot less in the beginning than you think they do. What they need most is you, so start with the basics and then you can figure out what else you need to add along the way.”

Read on to learn what Megan considers her personal essentials and why. 

RELATED: A Registry Guide for First-Time Parents

Brunette woman with a ponytail smiles while holding baby girl in Bloom Solly Wrap

1. Solly Baby Wrap
“The Solly Baby Wrap is just so special, especially in that fourth trimester when you really want to have your baby close to you, but you also want to be hands-free, and want them to be in something really soft and nurturing. I lived in my Solly in the fourth trimester with both of my kids. And getting to collaborate with Solly to create an exclusive wrap along with my postpartum babywearing program was just the icing on top.”

Modern white baby monitor camera with phone showing baby sleeping in crib

2. Nanit Baby Monitor
“I am a big fan of the Nanit. Especially with my first baby, I had a lot of just general anxieties in those early months and having a monitor that I could access any time from my phone gave me so much reassurance along the way. I love that it gives you little milestones and reminders of what’s normal during each stage. We have one that we use for traveling as well.”

Black compact baby stroller

3. Doona Stroller
“I mean, I can't say enough good things about the Doona. When Harlow grew out of hers, I was so sad because I just love that it's a car seat and a stroller all-in-one so you can just grab and go. We travel often and it’s the best to travel with for that same reason. I love it.”

Baby formula dispenser

4. Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser
“It’s like a coffee machine for your baby formula. Being able to just press a button to make a bottle for your baby instead of doing all of the steps is so convenient. And you can literally pick out the temperature you want it to be. I think it’s definitely a luxury, but if it's something you can afford, it’s really nice to have.”

Gray baby bouncer

5. Baby Björn Bouncer
“Funny enough, our first daughter, Harlow, was not interested in a bouncer at all, and I was so confused. It was on all of the recommended registries and people were telling me I had to have it. But our second daughter, Mercer, was absolutely obsessed with it. I think it's nice to have a place to set your baby down that they’ll be safe and happy when you need to tend to other things.”

Working on building your own registry as a soon-to-be parent? We know it can be overwhelming to even know what "the basics" are, which is why we created the Registry Guide for First-Time Parents. From gear to bath and nursing essentials, it's a great starting point for figuring out what you need in baby's first year!

*Note: Solly Baby writers and partners are experienced parents who independently curate and share their favorite products. If you buy something recommended by them through links on our site, Solly may earn a commission.

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