Full Heart with Heather Akers – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Heather Akers

Full Heart with Heather Akers

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Husband, wife, hold eachother and baby in their arms in a field of grass

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Heather Akers
Children: A 19-week-old!
Location: Lorain, Ohio
Occupation: Graduate student and stay-at-home mama

Woman takes bathroom mirror selfie while wearing baby in Happy Days Solly Wrap

When and how did you get connected with Solly?
I discovered Solly online through Instagram!

Baby smiles while leaning on dad's chest

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
When I get to watch how great my husband is with our son.

Woman smiling wearing baby in Cream Chequer Solly Wrap

Favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
How comfortable and easy it is to put on. It's so soft and stretches perfectly around my baby. It’s also comfortable on me when carrying, which is just as important!

Woman takes selfie with baby son

How do you define your role as a mother?
To give unconditional love, take care of and protect my babe, and to build up and encourage my family. I am at the core of my family and being able to slow down and work on myself as a person and a mother is so surreal. Each day that I get to be a wife and mother is so fulfilling.

You mentioned you’re in graduate school. What’s it been like juggling school with motherhood?
HARD. I didn’t take a break and I also worked full-time during my pregnancy through Santino’s first two months so finding the time and energy was ROUGH. It’s still pretty hard to juggle but slow and steady is all that matters. I study when I can and try not to stress too much about it! School has never been super hard for me but let me tell you, doing it while trying to manage a household, work, and navigate postpartum with a newborn is hardcore work. I give all the mamas that are doing it props because it’s no easy task AT ALL! I am currently going for my Master's in teaching for special education! I’d love to be a middle school special education teacher.

Newborn baby held in mother's arms wearing Cream Chequer Sleeper

What’s something about motherhood that has surprised you?
Not having an instant connection with my son. You watch movies and videos and think that as soon as you give birth you just have this crazy surreal connection between you and baby … that was not the case for me. There was a connection, but it was very awkward and it took a couple of days for everything to sink in and for me to begin to feel super connected to my son. I was ashamed at first because I thought it wasn't normal and that I was doing something wrong but it's normal. Your whole world changes and it takes time to adjust! Now I feel more connected to my son than ever.

Baby lays on back and sucks on Happy Days Solly Wrap

When do you feel at your best as a mom?
When I wake up and my baby rolls over and smiles at me. The slowness of mornings makes me stop and reflect on my journey as a mom and seeing how happy my son is to see me each morning melts my heart and will never get old!

Walk us through a typical day in your life.
7 am Wake up and get baby ready for the day (change diaper, feed, get dressed)
7:30-9 am Make myself some coffee, get my morning pump in, play with baby (tummy time, cuddles, read a book)
9 am-Whenever he feels like it (haha) Baby takes his first nap and I try and pick one household chore to do
10:30-11 am(ish) Baby wakes up (feed, diaper change)
11-1:30 pm More play time. If it's nice we go outside and sit or go for a walk!
1:30 pm Nap No. 2
2:30-3 pm Baby wakes up and my husband gets home from work so we spend some family time together!
3-5 pm Baby play time, figure out dinner, tidy up an area of the house 
5-6:30 pm Baby takes a mini nap
6:30-7:30 pm Spend some more family time together (eat, watch a movie, play with the baby, play with the dogs)
7:30 pm Bath time and we start baby's nighttime routine!
8 pm Baby is asleep and it's mom and dad time

What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
I would use it to go get a massage!

Where was the first place you took your baby other than the pediatrician’s office?
A local coffee shop in downtown Lorain, OH! 

What’s something you loved to do before baby that you still do or would like to start up again?
I loved working out and playing volleyball! I still try to play when I can. I coach a high school team and am slowly getting back into moving my body when I can.

First thing you ate after giving birth?
Chicken salad and veggies at the hospital, haha.

Any funny pregnancy stories?
Not really, I just would eat like 4-5 bowls of cereal a day.

What’s something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more?
Breastfeeding (whether it's latching or exclusively pumping) and postpartum. I was so focused on my labor and delivery that I didn't spend to much time prepping myself for my breastfeeding journey and how prolonged postpartum can be. Four months post-baby and I still struggle with postpartum.

RELATED: When Breastfeeding is Hard

Woman holds baby close and smiles in her home

Tell us about your journey to motherhood.
My journey to motherhood was not planned, not necessarily prevented either. I have always wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl, but wasn't sure if I'd ever get the chance or meet someone who I would want to raise children with. Once I met my husband, it all fell into place and I was blessed with a very easy pregnancy and delivery and an even better sweet baby boy.

What has the fourth trimester been like for you? 
Fourth trimester has been ROUGH. I was not prepared for it at all but it's definitely getting better. Becoming a mother changes you completely and I knew that but actively going through it was nothing I could even have prepared myself for. It splits you open and takes you for a ride. It's helped me learn about myself and also how to effectively communicate what boundaries I need.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
Discuss boundaries with friends, family and your partner as early as you can—and stick with them! You and your partner are a team and this is going to be a very overwhelming time, so know that nothing matters other than what works or you and your family! 

Words of wisdom would you share with other moms?
Don't let people scare you. Everyone will have their opinions and some people go through very traumatic experiences during pregnancy and labor and delivery. That doesn't mean that is how your story will unfold. Do your own research and make your own decisions, there's no right or wrong way so do what you feel is best for you!

What are three things in your motherhood starter pack?
Solly Baby Wrap, Primally Pure Baby Balm, and a water bottle

What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What’s on your wishlist?
I have multiple Sleepers (in Mist, Cream Chequer, and Happy Days), Wraps (in Natural and Grey Stripe, Cream Chequer, and Happy Days), a Swaddle, and Knotted Hat. I'd love the Bleu Toile Wrap and Swaddle, the Red Pointelle Wrap, and the Full Heart Era Sweatshirt!

How about a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Online shopping on Amazon
Podcast: Mom’s Off the Record
Children's Book: He has a personalized book titled "ABC What Santino Can Be"
Mama-time activity: Getting my nails done
After bedtime snack: Ice cream

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