Full Heart with Danielle Smith – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Danielle Smith

Full Heart with Danielle Smith

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Black and white photo of husband, wife, small child, and baby

Let's start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.

Name: Danielle Smith
Children: Cooper (3 years) and Reese (9 months)
Location: Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Job: Registered Nurse and postpartum doula

Blond woman holding smiling baby on hip, looking down and smiling at her.

When and how did you get connected with Solly?
I started using Solly products three years ago after having my son. I purchased a Solly Wrap and I was very pleased with the quality and durability it provided. I have now used Solly Wraps for two babies and have expanded to using the two-piece pajama sets for my daughter and a sweatshirt for myself. 

Aside from the quality of the products, I love all of the support that you provide new mothers through your blog and Instagram

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
Last week I was in the kitchen washing the dishes while my Reese was in her bouncer and my son, Cooper, was playing with his trains. Reese started to cry and Cooper immediately went over and said, “It’s okay, Mama will be right over. Do you want to play with my trains with me?”

My heart is so full seeing a bond developing between my two kids. When I got pregnant with my second, I was really nervous about how another baby would fit into our family and how it would change life for our oldest. Seeing him jump into his role as a big brother and his love for his sister is so special. Sometimes I can't believe this is my life, with these two precious babies.

What is your favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
I love being able to use my Solly Wrap to carry my baby while still having my hands free to play with my toddler. Solly makes it possible for me to provide to both of my  children's needs at once, especially when my youngest was a newborn.

Blond woman holds baby in the air, outdoors and smiles

When do you feel at your best as a mom?
When we are able to get outdoors as a family. One of my favorite hobbies growing up was swinging on my swing set, so being able to see my son enjoying his swing set is really special to me. It was extra special last summer to take his baby sister out in the stroller with us while he would swing. The sun and fresh air really grounds all of us.

What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
I would love to have some extra time to read a little more. I love a good book but some days don't allow the amount of time I would like to really dive in.

What’s something you loved to do before baby that you still do or would like to start up again (eventually)?
I am a lover of all things health and wellness. A month before getting pregnant for my first I purchased a Peloton and have LOVED it ever since. Being able to exercise from home has allowed me to stay active throughout both of my pregnancies and my postpartum periods. Exercise allows me to feel like "me" during times where my energy is pulled elsewhere. Shoutout to Peloton and especially @robinnyc for her prenatal and postpartum workouts!

Blond woman sits on couch holding her baby, while young son stands and kisses her cheek.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
Every stage is temporary—and that is both a blessing and a curse. The challenging phases will pass, and so will the wonderful ones. Enjoy each moment for what it is and try not to sweat the small stuff.

Words of wisdom would you share with other moms?
There are a million ways to be a good mom. We all do what works best for our family. While something may work great for someone else, it might not work for your family and that's okay. You—and only you—know how to mother your children best.

What are three things in your motherhood starter pack?

  1. A good breastfeeding and pumping bra
  2. A cozy matching PJ set or sweatsuit
  3. A good coffee mug

What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What's on your wishlist?
Items I have (and love):

  • Solly Wrap in Basil and Ditsy Floral—HAD to indulge in a pretty pink floral wrap after having a girl!
  • Sleeper sets in Ditsy Floral and Highland Lace
  • "In My Full Heart Era" Sweatshirt

I would love a Solly Dolly Wrap for my daughter as she gets older and starts playing with her dolls!

How about a round of rapid-fire favorites…

Indulgence: Reality TV—I hate that I love it!
Podcast: Off the Vine, The Toast, The Goal Digger
Children's Book: Little Blue Truck 
Mama-time activity: I LOVE going on stroller walks with my kids. Getting outside for fresh air after a long day is the best way to unwind. 
After bedtime snack: Anything with peanut butter. Or chocolate—I always love a little something sweet to cap off a busy day!

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