Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In Full Heart, a new weekly Solly Series, we'll be chatting with community members and sharing stories that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us in savoring these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.
Let's start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Hannah Ewing
Children: Norah, almost 4 months
Location: Waco, TX
Occupation: Social Media
Pets: 2 dogs! Griffin and Otis
Part of the Solly Family since: September 2023

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
Oh gosh! This is a hard one!! My heart has never felt so full (practically overflowing) on a literal daily basis since becoming a mom. So I’m going to give you two…
1. Norah laughed for the very first time on Christmas Eve and we have been trying so hard to get her to do it again. This last week was the week we made it happen!! She’s laughed almost every day and there is just something so joyful it makes you want to cry hearing your baby’s laugh. Funny enough—it was the bun on top of my head flopping around that did her in. She’s the best and I could listen to her laugh forever.
2. We were with some friends a couple of nights ago—one couple has a 6-week-old and the other is due mid-February. We were all sitting in the living room. I was holding Norah, my one friend holding her baby, and we were chatting with our other friend about all of the baby prep things she’s doing right now. And in that moment, I thought my heart could just explode! We’ve walked through life with these friends (and literally all live within walking distance from each other, ha!) and going through this new stage of life together has been so sweet. I’m so thankful for our community—it’s what makes Waco feel like home.
Favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
I love that I can still get things done because I’m hands free, but keep my daughter close. (She loves it, too.) I’ve loved it since the beginning, but probably between 8-12 weeks into this whole motherhood thing is when my real appreciation for the wrap came to be.
Eight to twelve weeks postpartum is a weird stage. I was still on maternity leave, but the MealTrain had stopped, people weren't checking in as much, and my husband had gone back to work. So, it was just me and Norah most days, and I was really needing some consistency and routine back in my life. I felt like I needed to be with my daughter constantly, and she had entered the 30-minute nap stage, so most days I wasn’t getting anything done. I was tired and I was stressed.
It’s such a simple thought (and duh, it’s what baby carriers are for), but when I realized I could still get done what I needed to get done while carrying her and she was happy and content, my perspective shifted. It freed up some mental space and allowed me to be more present with her (and not constantly thinking about what I wasn’t getting done). The wrap has allowed me more freedom throughout the day—without the mom guilt—and I love it!!

What’s your favorite time of day with your little one?
First thing in the morning. When it’s just the two of us, and the dogs haven’t even gotten up yet. She wakes up in the happiest mood and a big smile on her face. I have this feeling like I missed her…like it has been too long since I last saw her?! I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s such a bizarre feeling. And when I finally do see her in the morning I melt all over again.
What about motherhood has surprised you?
How my daughter is only 4 months, but I can’t imagine a day she wasn’t here. How it just feels right. Like this is always how it was supposed to be. How I could be with her all day, every day, and it would never get old. How I could love someone this much!
What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
Family time. My husband and I have been talking about how sad it will be once I go back to work because by the time we pick our daughter up after work, we’ve got less than two hours with her before bed. Would love an extra hour to spend time just the three of us!
If you could change one thing about your daily routine, what would it be?
Honestly, I need to play less Candy Crush while breastfeeding. Maybe read a book instead…
Where was the first place you took your baby (other than the pediatrician’s office)?
Pretty sure it was to the mall to return something at American Eagle. Then we went to H&M.
What’s something you loved to do before baby that you still do or would like to start up again (eventually)?
I painted my nails every Sunday. I don’t think I’ve painted them since having my daughter because of drying time and you just never know when she’ll need you! But it was definitely a form of self-care / way to express myself.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
You can still do the things you love, even with a baby. We still hang out with friends, go out to eat, go to trivia. Babies are adaptable. Don’t completely change your schedule and life—just fit them into it.
What Solly pieces(s) do you have? Any on your wishlist?
I have two Solly Wraps and three Solly Sleepers! Currently on my wishlist: the Swell Wrap + Sleeper. It’s such a beautiful blue!
How about a round of rapid-fire favorites...
Indulgence: Idk if I’m proud to admit this…but the Kardashians. I don’t follow any of them on social media, but I do stalk their profile at least twice a month. And have seen every episode and spin-off of Keeping Up.
Podcast: I’ve tried to be a podcast girly but I just can’t get into them.
Children’s book: Madeline
Mama-time activity: Time with friends or painting my nails!
Person to follow on social: @chrislovesjulia is my fave + @karrie_locher is a recent new fave!
After bedtime snack (IYKYK): Nature Valley Protein Bars in Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate (They are soft compared to normal Nature Valley Bars!)
Want to share your story in an upcoming Full Heart feature? Email aly@sollybaby.com with your name and location. We'd love to hear from you!