My Top Seven Favorite Parenting Books – Solly Baby

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My Top Seven Favorite Parenting Books

books_v2 I’ve had a handful of people ask me for suggestions on parenting books recently. In light of baby #4 making her appearance next month I thought I’d brush up on some of my favorites and finally put a list together for those of you who have been asking. I used to consume parenting books like some women consume fashion magazines, but I’ve slowed down in recent years in an attempt to listen to my own rhythm as a mother. That being said, I’d love to hear your favorites as well so please comment with any exceptional ones that I’m missing out on! line_less-white-space 1. “Simplicity Parenting” by Kim John Payne and Lisa M. Ross. “Simplicity Parenting” is my favorite parenting book. It's one of the only parenting books I've gone back to multiple times. It’s easy for kids to become anxious today with so much stuff and too many choices. This book helps to streamline your home environment to give your children space for their individuality to flourish. 2. “Raising Your Spirited Child” by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. This book has been tremendously helpful when it comes to understanding both mine and my kids’ temperamental traits. It’s enabled us to find the positive rather than the negative and has especially helped in the times where power struggles occur. Mary provides four simple steps for the typical instances where these challenges often times happen, making it easy for anyone to adapt. 3. “The Danish Way of Parenting” by Iben Sandahl and Jessica Joelle Alexander. It’s no secret that the Danish are some of the happiest people around. In this book the authors’ suggest that parents remove their “culture glasses” and give the “Danish way” a try - proving that anyone can raise happy children like the Danish do! And I have to say, it’s true. After reading this book I definitely learned a thing or two. 4. “Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide” by Rebecca Eanes. From attachment parenting to power struggles, this book is such an amazing guide from infancy through adolescence to staying connected with your children and raising them to feel secure, positive, compassionate, and happy. A lot of it is workshop style, helping you discover your own triggers to help you from losing your cool as a parent as well as making you ask fundamental questions about how you view discipline and family relationships. 5. “All Joy and No Fun” by Jennifer Senior. This book was especially helpful for me when it came to finding balance with taking care of myself and my kids. Jennifer dives into how our roles as mothers and fathers have changed drastically in the last half-century which can make things complex. Kids affect almost everything we do and this book shed so much clarity on the subject. 6. “The Whole-Brain Child” by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. This book contains twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. It helps parents connect to their little ones and understand the science of how their brain is wired and how it matures over time. This helps provide explanations to why kids tend to throw tantrums, fight or get quiet when they’re unsure of how to process something. 7. “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown. This isn’t a parenting book, but it was so eye-opening for me as an individual and I truly believe that the best "parenting" is rooted in being our best selves. This book encourages us to embrace vulnerability and imperfection, to live wholeheartedly and courageously. “Daring Greatly” has helped me to connect with myself which at the end of the day has helped me become a better mom.

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