5 Benefits of Babywearing for Breastfed Babies – Solly Baby

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5 Benefits of Babywearing for Breastfed Babies

Woman sits on a blanket while breastfeeding in a Solly Wrap and looks down lovingly at her baby

We could talk about the benefits of babywearing for days (and we will if you let us), but in honor of the launch of our new Nursing Cover, we’re diving specifically into the unique benefits of babywearing for breastfeeding mothers.

You see, one of the best things about babywearing is that it keeps mama and baby close together. From an emotional standpoint, wearing baby just feels good (plus, it’s convenient). But from a scientific standpoint, it’s so much more than that. Babywearing promotes connection and attachment between the wearer and baby, which is essential to every component of breastfeeding—from the production of milk, to baby’s ability to latch, and the duration of time a mother breastfeeds.

The gist? If you’re a breastfeeding mama, babywearing can only make your feeding experience better. Take a look at these five reasons why:

  1. Babywearing is a convenient way to practice skin-to-skin time, which works to increase a nursing mother’s prolactin levels and boost milk supply. Try dressing baby in just their diaper and wearing them sans shirt for maximum benefit.

  2. Babywearing makes breastfeeding easier by keeping baby positioned close to mom’s chest where they can become familiar with her scent and, as a result, have an easier time finding her nipple to feed

  3. Babies who are held skin-to-skin tend to have better weight gain since it’s easy for them to breastfeed more often. With baby so close, you can readily learn and respond to their cues, like smacking their lips, sucking on their hands, or rooting when they’re hungry.

  4. Babywearing keeps baby upright, which following a feeding session, can help promote digestion by reducing spit-up and gas pains. Your movement and the gentle pressure from being tummy to tummy can also help with gas relief. 

  5. A 2012 study shows that babywearing in the first month of an infant’s life is associated with a higher rate of continued breastfeeding as a baby grows. Of the 100 mothers in the study, twice as many babywearing mothers were still breastfeeding at 5 months as non-babywearing mothers. 

Although there are unique benefits for breastfeeding mothers when it comes to babywearing, the truth is that
babywearing has plenty of benefits no matter how you feed your little one. So whether you’re nursing, pumping, bottle-feeding or combo-feeding, we hope you’ll reap the rewards of the confidence, autonomy, and connection that babywearing provides.

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