What To Do When You’re Overdue – Solly Baby

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What To Do When You’re Overdue

What To Do When You’re Overdue

Perhaps one of the most relatable human experiences is the pain (and frustration and anticipation) of waiting—and no one knows that better than an expecting mama who's watched her due date come and go without the arrival of her new babe. Here, Solly's copywriter (40 weeks and 6 days pregnant at the time of writing) shares tips and encouragement for mamas-in-the-waiting.

So, the date that’s been marked on the calendar for nine months has come and gone, and you’re feeling more overdue than that old library book you never got around to returning. Trust me, I get it. I’m writing this at 40 weeks and 6 days and no matter how many times I tell myself that “going over” is normal, I still find myself not-so-patiently hoping this little life-changer will make his grand appearance TODAY.

That said, I’m doing my best to soak up these last few hours/days of life as we know it and finding ways to stay occupied in the meantime. If you're wondering what to do when you've gone past your due date, here are a few ways you might consider passing the time while you wait for babe to arrive.

Idea 01: Make nursing baskets
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been nesting for weeks (months?) and there’s not much left to do when it comes to prepping for baby. If you’re still looking to scratch that itch, consider putting together treat baskets for your labor team. It doesn’t have to be fancy. We picked up inexpensive baskets from the store and filled them with snacks, chocolate, drinks, lip balm, and coffee gift cards.

Idea 02: Feel the love
Oxytocin (the feel-good hormone) plays a key role in labor—helping to both stimulate and speed it up. Permission to treat yourself, granted. Schedule a pedicure, get a massage (or ask your partner for one), or spend time with loved ones.

Idea 03: Go on a date
You’re just hours away from adding another human to your life. Whether this is your first baby or your fourth, life is about to change in a big way. Soak up these last moments as a family of [fill in the blank] by spending special time together. Get a meal, see a movie, or spend time at a favorite place.

Idea 04: Rest up
Third trimester is like the finish line of a sprint…before you line up for the marathon that is caring for a newborn. Give yourself permission to rest however sounds best. Take a warm bath, watch your favorite show or movie, and sneak in a nap (or three!).

Idea 05: Go for a walk
I’ve logged more miles than I can count at this point and as my belly drops lower and my walk becomes more of a waddle, I keep reminding myself that movement is healthy and good for both me and baby! My favorite ways to walk right now are with friends (conversation is a good distraction), a good podcast (something light-hearted and easy), or a feel-good playlist (to dance that baby out).

Remember: You've got this, mama
After nine months of anticipating and preparing, this is the final stretch. Though the waiting can be exhausting, rest assured: That precious babe won’t be inside you forever. In the meantime, you’ve got a world of fellow mama’s cheering you on.

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