How to Advocate for Your Breastfeeding Experience with Erica Campbell, – Solly Baby

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How to Advocate for Your Breastfeeding Experience with Erica Campbell, BSN, RN, IBCLC.

How to Advocate for Your Breastfeeding Experience with Erica Campbell, BSN, RN, IBCLC.

Woman breastfeeding on lake dock, looking down lovingly at her baby dressed in the Stawberry Solly Sleeper

Erica Campbell is a BSN, RN, IBCLC and mother of two. She created her program The Milk Manual as a resource to help families feel secure and confident while striving to reach their lactation goals. Here, she shares three tips to prepare new parents for breastfeeding. 

When most families plan for the postpartum experience, the act of nursing or breastfeeding isn’t given too much thought. A lot of people assume that since it’s a natural act, the learning process will also be natural—and they forgo lactation-specific information and education. As a parent, I completely understand this mindset. I, too, believed that breastfeeding would be easy enough ... I knew it would have its moments, but overall I assumed I’d just figure it out. Luckily, I did. But after working as a lactation consultant for the last five years, I've learned that it’s not always that simple or easy to figure out for everyone.

For that reason, I want to help families everywhere become more knowledgeable and confident with their feeding experiences and ultimately take control of it. Here are three steps to feeling empowered on your breastfeeding journey as a new parent:

Step One: Educate yourself before you start the feeding process
Again, a lot of families do not prepare themselves for breastfeeding or pumping beforehand. With sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and overall changes in the family structure and dynamic, the last thing anyone needs is a full expert level course on feedings. Yes, it’s possible to learn a lot about breastfeeding in the immediate postpartum period, but it’s not always the easiest timing. If possible, take a breastfeeding course prior to doing it. I would recommend the end of the second trimester/beginning of the third trimester so the knowledge is fresh. There is also the option to read breastfeeding or pumping books in order to learn more. Of course, you’ll learn a lot once baby is born but it can be helpful to know at least 25 percent of the information beforehand. 

Step Two: Advocate for yourself and your baby
This is why prior knowledge and education is important! So you can make sure that your knowledge and your provider’s knowledge matches up to be what works best for you and your baby. While I will always be an advocate for a well-nourished baby regardless of the type of milk, human milk has proven to be beneficial for the growth, development, and immune protection of babies. Expressing milk via feeding or pumping has also proven to be beneficial to the health of mothers. 

Disparities in the healthcare community are real and it's important to be educated on your rights and resources so that you can have open conversations with your provider and advocate for yourself and your baby. 
Remember, your health provider should be a partner to help guide and facilitate whatever health journey you choose to take. 

Step Three: Ask questions
To piggyback off of the topic of advocating, the next way to take charge of your experience is to ask questions. When working with your pediatrician or lactation consultant, if you’re curious about the care plan they’ve given you, ask them follow up questions. If you’ve been asked to supplement with formula (and remember, there’s nothing wrong with formula), ask them why. Remember, this experience needs to work for you and your baby at the end of the day, so ask as many questions or get as much help as you need. The goal is always that you feel equipped and empowered to care for your little one. 

You're in Charge
I hope these tips help you as you navigate your feeding journey and decide what works best for your family. As long as you feel confident and secure, you can be the best advocate for yourself and your baby. You've got this!

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