
March: Inspire

What kind of parent did you dream you’d be? Have you taken the time to ask yourself lately? Whenever I am in a slump as a mother, it’s generally because somewhere along the way I stopped envisioning and started just surviving. It can feel too daunting to stop and imagine what I really want our time together to look like and the kind of mother I want to be when I’m in the thick of it, but when I take even just a minute to get more intentional, my whole perspective shifts. It’s never perfect (not even close!), but it’s enough to start making memories again rather than counting down until bedtime. This is the month to get inspired in your parenthood. You can be the mother you always thought you’d be. Whether you work or stay-at-home or something in-between, let’s pause, dream a bit, and then make it a reality.

+ Make a list of all the things you want to teach or experience with your child before they’re 18. + Write out what the perfect day with your family looks like. Make sure it’s not dependent on anyone else behaving a certain way. You can’t control anyone but you. Create a Pinterest board, make it secret if you’d like, of all the things you want to do. +Make a list of how you want to feel as a mom in the day-to-day. Ex: I want to feel calm, loving, patient, and adventurous.

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