Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.
Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: MaKell Tagg
Children: Caroline (6 years), James (3.5 years), Hallie (7 months)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Occupation: Graphic Designer (at Solly Baby!)
What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
There was a moment this week in the kitchen when my 3-year-old son turned to me randomly and said "Hey mom, guess what? I love you.” In that moment—with spit up down my shirt, dinner plans up in the air, and stepping on crumbs everywhere—all seemed right in the world and my heart felt so full.

Any funny pregnancy stories?
My 3-year-old son was CONVINCED I was having a boy when I was pregnant with my third, and when we told him it was a girl, he was in disbelief for a few weeks telling us, "No, it's a boy!" He has come to terms with it and is the sweetest big brother ever to his little sister now. I also had probably eight different strangers tell me I must be having a boy because of how I was carrying during that pregnancy. So, between that and my son, I started questioning the anatomy scan a bit! It ended up being a girl, but for a few months there I started wondering, haha.
Birth stories?
I had one C-section and two vaginal births—each so different! My first two births did not go smoothly and I am SO thankful that my third one did! I have so much respect for all mamas and what they go through to bring babies into the world. It is such a miracle!
What was the fourth trimester like for you?
The Solly Wrap truly got me through each of my fourth trimesters. In addition to the closeness and bonding it brought me and my baby, it gave me peace of mind knowing my baby would nap on the go! Sleep deprivation in the fourth trimester is always my hardest hurdle, and I have tried to not let a bad night affect my next day!

Something about motherhood that has surprised you?
I can't say that it has totally surprised me, but I have a personality that thrives on having a plan and I love knowing what to expect. Obviously motherhood has a big element of going with the flow, so learning that dance has been a process for me! I feel like this time around with my third baby, I really do understand how time passes so quickly in the grand scheme of things (even if the long nights seem never-ending!) and I have been thankful for the opportunity and broadened perspective to focus on the now and enjoy these babies.
Something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more?
That parts of it will be harder than you thought, but will also be more beautiful and rewarding than you think. I didn't realize how bittersweet it would be watching my kids grow, but learning to embrace that because I think I'll be crying at them growing up for the rest of their lives!
You’ve been Solly's graphic designer for just over four years now—tell the story of how you came to join the team!
About eight years ago before I had kids of my own, my sister had her first baby and told me how there was this amazing baby wrap that she had heard great things about from friends. It was the Solly Wrap, of course, and I remember falling in love with wearing my sweet niece in it! When my first baby came, I knew I needed one. Fast forward to being pregnant with my second baby four years ago: I was still following Solly Baby on Instagram because I loved their mama/postpartum content and saw a call for a graphic designer. I jumped at the opportunity and have been working with Solly ever since!
First place you took your baby other than the pediatrician’s office?
To my daughter's preschool graduation and lunch—all in the wrap, of course!
What’s something you loved to do before baby that you’d like to start up again eventually?
I love thrift shopping and the hunt that it takes to find treasures. I don't get to do it often because the time it takes to hunt just doesn't jive with young kids, but one day I think my oldest daughter will love doing it with me!
First thing you ate after giving birth?
Chicken tenders and fries…my most favorite thing! Also so much juice and water because I was SO thirsty!

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
Everything is figure-out-able.

What are three things in your new mom starter pack?
- Solly Wrap
- Cozy lounge set
- Freezer meals!
RELATED: 10 Easy Meal Prep Recipes for New Moms
What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What's on your wishlist?
I have just about everything—wraps, crib sheets, swaddles, jammies…the works! On my wishlist: Matching Christmas jammies for my kids to match my Winter Toile ones. They're beautiful and it's so exciting to have toddler sizes now!
Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Reeses (I mean, they have protein so, breakfast?!)
Children’s book: The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be
Drink of choice: I am primarily a water drinker, but Dr Pepper, Fresca, and a good strawberry lemonade are hard to resist
Mama-time activity: Shopping! Solo Target trips feel like vacations!
Motherhood-related topic you could talk about for 15 min uninterrupted: All the toys that I feel have stood the test of time and are tried-and-true
After bedtime snack: Chips and salsa or a bowl of Blue Bell ice cream