Full Heart with Macy Pruett – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Macy Pruett

Full Heart with Macy Pruett

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Woman sits in the back of a boat with toddler son and newborn son on her lap. Beautiful lake in the background.

Let's start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Macy Pruett
Children: Eli (3.5 years), Wyatt (18 months)
Location: Nashville, TN
Occupation: Business Owner and Online Fitness Trainer at Fittest Core

Woman lounges on couch with 2 young sons in her arms in matching pajamas

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
Literally just yesterday, watching my boys play. They're at the age now where they are genuinely buddies and play so well together. It's a total pinch-me moment watching them!

Woman lounges on couch and squeezes toddler son while holding newborn to chest

What was the fourth trimester like for you?
My first fourth trimester was dark and lonely. It was during Covid and in January, so it was freezing, no one could come visit, and I felt very alone. However, Eli was an easy baby, so I'm thankful for that!

My second fourth trimester was brighter (in April) and I had a village. However, Wyatt was colicky, had numerous feeding issues, and didn't sleep. So it was beyond rough. Different versions of trenches for both fourth trimesters, but we made it through. Moms are amazing!

What's something about motherhood that has surprised you?
The mom guilt. Whew, I had no idea how often I'd feel it. It's a silly thing that I wish none of us had to experience. I wish I had been more warned about why and when we feel it. And the reminder that it means we're good moms.

How do you personally combat mom guilt when it starts creeping up?
I usually try to talk about it. Either with my super supportive husband, or my amazing mom friends. They're all able to talk me out of those feelings pretty quickly. I'm very fortunate to have a village!

Woman sits on outdoor picnic bench and holds newborn baby in one arm and nurses and looks at toddler son sitting next to her on the bench.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
If you're worried whether you're doing a good job, you're a good mom.

Woman smiles at the beach with the ocean in the background. She leans her head on baby's that's resting in the Mosaic Solly Baby carrier wrap

When do you feel at your best as a mom?
Honestly? When I've taken care of me first. That's a big message in my business. We truly can't pour from an empty cup. Days where I've woken up before everyone else, had some time to myself, and worked out are when I'm the best version of myself and can show up as the best mom.

Tell us more about your business!
My husband and I own an online training business for women called Fittest Core. We offer 1:1 coaching and also have a membership, which includes all of my workout programs and 700+ follow along videos. I primarily work with moms, helping them feel their strongest in whatever stage of motherhood they're in! Whether that's TTC, pregnant, postpartum, or beyond. I love what I do so much.

As a pregnancy and postpartum trainer, if you could recommend one thing to help ease postpartum recovery during the fourth trimester, what would it be?
First and foremost always (after rest and lots of cuddles, of course 😉) is diaphragmatic breathing. This breathwork teaches our bodies how to reconnect to our deep core and pelvic floor. This is actually safe to begin immediately postpartum, and I advise it! Diaphragmatic breathing allows us to rebuild the foundation of our body, helping us to build from the base up.

Walk us through a typical day in your life.
I wake up before all the boys (including my hubby) and get ready. This includes packing their lunches (my little one JUST started school, so this is new!), getting the car packed, washing my face and getting dressed. I then wake up and nurse my youngest, get him dressed, and we wake up my oldest together. Once we're ready for school, either my husband or I take them. After school drop off, it's basically packing in as much work as I can before it's time to go and pick them up from school again. My husband and I run our business together, so from about 8:30 am - 2 pm, we're working together, checking in on our 1:1 clients, I'm programming for my subscription, working out myself, and doing whatever else needs to be done. Laundry, cleaning, etc. is sprinkled in here and there, too. I try to get the boys before 3 pm so we can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening together!

What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
My answer should absolutely be rest or sit and read, but...get more work done—there's always more that I could do! 

Where was the first place you took your baby?
My first was a Covid baby, so I can't even remember because we were house-locked! With my second, the first place was our local coffee shop that we walk to and love.

First thing you ate after giving birth?
A huuuuge superfood acai bowl. I'm drooling thinking about it.

Tell us about your journey to motherhood.
It was very fortunately an easy journey. My husband and I had been married for about 6 months and thought, "Well, what if it just happens?"—and one missed period later, it did!

Words of wisdom would you share with other moms?
Trust your gut, because mom gut is a very real thing. Lean on your partner, they're there doing this with you. Communicate, ask for help, and ACCEPT it. You will get through it. 

Three things in your motherhood starter pack?
1. A Solly Wrap! I gift it to all my friends (and I have 6 myself 🤪)
2. A nursing pillow
3. Prepped meals, whether friends cook for you, you do it before baby is here, or you do a delivery service. Having meals READY for you is a gamechanger. Because there's no hunger like breastfeeding hunger!

What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What's on your wishlist?
Tons of beautiful wraps, jammies (they're the best!!), crib sheets, and a sweatshirt! 

Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Lattes! I get one everyday 
Podcast: Rock Me Mama (it's mine with my best friends!)
Children’s book: Llama Llama Red Pajama
Mama-time activity: Either wine with my girlfriends or the boat with my hubby!
After bedtime snack: I make these homemade massive Reese's cups that are to DIE FOR (I'm sharing the recipe to my email list soon if you want to sign up here!)

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