Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our Full Heart Series, we share stories from real parents in our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone.

Let's start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Lindsey C.
Children: Wren (6 years), Grady (3 years), Crosby (4 months)
Location: Midwest
Occupation: Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist
What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
1. My heart felt full this week when I walked in the door after a chaotic day at work to my husband cooking dinner and my daughter so eager to see me. She couldn’t wait to tell me that they were sharing what they were grateful for at school. She looked up at me and said, “Mama, mama, I said I was grateful for you!” My heart was in a puddle and I felt very seen by my 6-year-old. The transition back to work has been tough and overwhelming this third time around. Knowing my children feel loved and adored is everything to me.
2. A Sunday afternoon, Christmas music playing, a baby we prayed and prayed and prayed for sleeping in a basket in front of the Christmas tree while his older siblings look at him lovingly. An indescribable feeling of gratitude.
Tell us about your journey to motherhood.
I was the person who ALWAYS knew I wanted to be a mother. I cut out baby pictures and hung them on the fridge at Christmas time. I babysat all the kids growing up and nannied for families through college. When my husband and I decided that we were ready, the journey was more difficult than we anticipated. With our first child, it took us nearly a year before we were expecting and it truly felt like forever when I was so excited. Our second baby came along easily (besides feeling disgusting for 20 weeks of my pregnancy). Following our second baby, we experienced a lot of dark days and heartache as we experienced two miscarriages in a row. It was devastating. We prayed and prayed and tried hard to not lose hope in growing our family. This past July a beautiful, healthy baby boy joined our family. Our journey was not easy but I pray our story can give hope to others and that I can be a place of comfort for someone like others were to me during my hardest days.
Advice from your experience as a Speech Language Pathologist?
My best advice to give is read, read, read to your baby. From the moment you bring that squishy little sweetie home, make reading part of your daily routine. Ask for books for holidays and birthdays, get a library card, stop by little free libraries, just read. Read even when it seems like they aren’t listening or when they are being rambunctious. Don’t give up on it. Beyond the fact that reading with your child is the best way to support future academic success, there is nothing like the bonding time that comes through reading. I truly believe reading fosters a nurturing environment and safe place for your babies. It’s a great time of deep connection and learning. Signed, a very passionate children’s literature advocate, SLP, and mother.

Something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more
POSTPARTUM. The different realities of the postpartum season and the care mothers need *MUST* be talked about more in my opinion. Each of my postpartum experiences was so very different. But in each of them, I needed extra support and love from my people. I am so thankful for each person who fully supported me while I found the new me and loved me through difficult days all three times.
Favorite memory in your Solly Wrap?
The first moment I held each of my babies in the wrap. All three of them were in the wrap the first day or two home for the hospital. It is always a cherished moment for me. Babywearing is such a part of our daily life and I miss it so much when they outgrow that season. Babywearing is something I definitely look forward to when I’m pregnant.
Weirdest pregnancy craving?
Avocado and eggs
When do you feel at your best as a mom?
When I'm spending time with my family without any distraction and when we are enjoying our holiday traditions. Year-round activities we love to do include reading, playing in the yard, doing a puzzle, going to the library, riding bikes around the neighborhood, and going to the park.
You magically get an extra hour in your day. How do you spend it?
Cleaning, listening to an audiobook, or working on photobooks for our family.
First place you took your baby?
Target! or Nana and Grandpa's house

Any funny pregnancy stories?
Not pregnancy but my sister came to help us when we were super tired after my first baby was born. She was helping in the kitchen (bless her) and found cheese in the cabinet. We were so tired, we couldn't even get cheese in the refrigerator.
What are three things in your new mom starter pack?
- Solly Baby Wrap
- Haaka silicone breast pump
- And a bonnet, because adorable
What Solly pieces do you have? What's on your wishlist?
Alll the things—Wraps, Sleepers, Swaddles, and a Crib Sheet. I can't help myself, it's all so soft and snuggly. On my wishlist: Cream Floral Totepack, the Cream Houndstooth Wrap, or Mocha Chequer Wrap!
Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Bubbl'r and chocolate covered salted almonds
Children’s book: Must I select only one?! This is Sadie, Charlotte's Web, Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth
Drink of choice: Water (only person that doesn't like coffee or tea)
Mama-time activity: Reading and organizing
Motherhood-related topic you could talk about for 15 min uninterrupted: Children's literature, birth stories, and/or postpartum journeys
After bedtime snack: Cheese/crackers/popcorn/grapes charcuterie board my husband makes me!