Full Heart with Laura Novotny – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Laura Novotny

Full Heart with Laura Novotny

This week's Full Heart feature comes by way of our friend and newest collaborator, Laura Novotny, aka Laura Julaine. (Shop her limited-edition print here.) She'll introduce herself below, but as a pre-introduction, the three words we'd use to describe Laura: relatable, encouraging, and hilarious. Sounds like the best kind of mom friend, right? Get to know her better below. 

Could you kindly introduce yourself for anyone not yet lucky enough to know you?

Hi! I'm Laura Novotny, a mom of two beautiful children (Mia and Finley), a former-accountant-turned-fitness-coach, a business owner, and your new internet bff! Living in the freezing-yet-underrated state of Wisconsin, I love eating cheese curds, cheering on the Packers (Go Pack Go), going on walks with my babies, and sharing all the mom tips!

Tell us your Solly Story—how did you become connected with Solly Baby?
I started using the Solly Baby Wrap with my first daughter Mia, 2.5 years ago and fell in love. It was the only thing that would immediately calm her down. After having my kids 18 months apart, my son lived in the wrap and still loves it to this day.

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
When I was cooking dinner the other night with my daughter. She was stirring the soup next to me and my son was on the floor playing with toys by my feet. It felt like a *pinch me, I can’t believe this is my life* moment.

We’ve been talking a lot about connection in motherhood—to ourselves and to others. What are some of the ways that you stay connected to yourself as a mom?
I always make sure to take care of me so I can be the best mom for them. That looks like taking my daily walk (outside!!), working out, listening to my devotional, and reading a few pages each day from a book I enjoy.

What role has friendship played in your journey as a mom?
Having other mom friends is KEY to not feeling so alone in motherhood. Although being a mom is the most incredible, life-changing experience, it comes with hard moments. I love being able to text my friends, “Hey has your kid ever thrown a tantrum because you peeled their string cheese wrong?” and knowing they will totally get what I’m talking about!

How do you juggle running your own business while caring for two littles?
ASKING FOR HELP! It’s so, so, so hard to do sometimes but I know that spreading myself too thin always leaves me feeling defeated in all areas.

You meet a fellow mama for coffee before a trip to the park with the kids. What’s your drink order?
Whole milk latte with one shot of decaf espresso. I don’t drink caffeine; I'm weird, I know!

When do you feel like you’re at your best as a mom?
When all distractions are put away. My computer is turned off, phone is put away, and nothing is on my mind but my kids—just being present in the moment.

Favorite thing to do while wearing your Solly Wrap?
Cooking or baking.

Working out is a big part of your life. How has your relationship with fitness evolved or shifted throughout motherhood?
I used to spend 1.5 hours in the gym each day but that is just not possible with two littles, nor do I want to spend that much time working out! I’ve grown to love 30-minute full-body home workouts and giving my kids kisses during my rest times!

Any words of wisdom for our expecting and new mama community?
Always always always listen to your mama instinct. I truly believe in it. Anytime I felt in my mama gut that something was wrong or that I needed to do something, I listened—and I’ve been right every time. People will throw their opinions at you all the time while you're raising your little human(s), but you know your kids best. Always do what's right for you and them!

A few rapid-fire favorites...
Indulgence: Chocolate. Specifically dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel
Mama-time activity: Working out, reading a book, sitting in the sauna, and baking/cooking
Children's book: Gruffalo
After bedtime snack: Popcorn or cereal
Solly Wrap: Daydream, of course!
Self-care ritual: Sauna, red light therapy, outdoor walks, devotional podcast, epsom salt baths



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