Full Heart with Jordyn Olson – Solly Baby



Full Heart with Jordyn Olson

Full Heart with Jordyn Olson

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Woman kneels outdoors and smiles while holding a baby in one arm and a toddler in the other

Let's start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Jordyn Olson
Children: Wesley (2.5 years), Daphne (8 months)
Location: Spokane, WA
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom

Tell us about your births.
They were both so different. I was induced both times, but with my first I had the shakes really bad (which I didn’t know was a thing, so I was in no way prepared for them). I got an epidural, thinking that would take them away. It didn’t. Labor stalled. When I finally got to the pushing stage, he was stuck. I pushed for over eight hours and ended up getting an episiotomy and having a vacuum-assisted delivery. My second came two hours after the medical staff broke my water. I pushed for maybe 15 minutes and was unmedicated.

What was the fourth trimester like for you?
I’ve been sure to give myself a lot of grace during the fourth trimester with both of my babies so they aren’t unnecessarily hard. My daily tasks include taking care of me and my babies. That’s it. Chores and other tasks can wait. I’ll maybe give myself 3 things to do for the week. That way if one day the only thing I feel like doing is resting, I can (guilt-free!), knowing that I have another six days that week to get my tasks done. But even if those three things don’t get done in the week and “all I did” was keep my babies happy and fed, it’s a win in my book.

Let's say you *magically* get an extra hour in your day. How are you spending it?
Quilting or making something. I got into quilting about a year ago and I’ve completely fallen in love with it. I try to work on them when I can, but most of the time mom or home duties call.

Woman takes selfie with her smiling toddler son and his backwards hat. She is wearing her baby and bundled up

Walk us through a day in the life. 
I like to get up and ready before the kids do and then they both usually wake up around the same time. I get them dressed and ready for the day, then make breakfast. Then it’s a little inside play and my baby will go down for her first nap. While she’s napping, I’ll get my toddler outside. Sometimes I have a planned activity, but most of the time we just go for a walk in our field. Getting him outside is a must. After Daphne wakes up it’s lunch time. Then more play and an afternoon nap time for both kids. I can usually time it so they’re napping at the same time and I get a little me-time. I’ll use it to prep dinner, bake a treat, quilt, garden, clean, or sometimes nap myself. After they wake up, my husband gets home from work, we have family dinner, then it’s evening play and bedtimes! 

Woman sits in a chair under an outdoor vine arch and nurses baby girl

What's something about motherhood that has surprised you?
It’s not as stressful as people said it would be. I have a really laid-back approach to motherhood and just go with the flow. Some nights my baby doesn’t go to bed until we do. That doesn’t mean I’m trying to get her to fall asleep for the next three hours, it just means she’s coming out to the garden with me to do some after-bedtime work or she’s with me cleaning the house.

My philosophy is: Don’t stress it—just ride that wave. Everything is a phase and it will be over before you know it. Expect that babies will be up throughout the night the first year. Expect that messes will happen. Expect that babies cry as a way of communicating that they need something. When you expect those things, you can be mentally prepared for them, and that goes a long way.

Woman takes selfie in a pumpkin patch wearing baby in the Myrtle Solly Baby Wrap Carrier.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
If your kids are bouncing off the walls, remove the walls! Get them outside. Parenting outside is 10x easier.

Woman in overalls holds baby outside and baby reaches for tall wildflower

What’s something you loved to do before baby that you would like to start up again eventually?
I loved to garden before babies and couldn’t wait to get them out in the garden with me. Now my toddler is at the age where he can plant seeds and starts with me and harvest anything that is ready. Strawberries never make into the house because he gets to them all first, which I don’t mind one bit! I love that he knows where and how the food he eats grows and has a little understanding of what nourishes him. 

Woman walks in orchard wearing baby in the Bloom Solly Baby Carrier Wrap

Favorite memory in your Solly Wrap?
The first two months of my daughter’s life! When I say she was wrapped most of the time during those months, I mean it. It was such a lifesaver during that time period when we didn’t have an established routine with her and I was chasing my toddler around.

First thing you ate after giving birth?
I think the first thing I had at the hospital was just a hospital sandwich (not the greatest). But when we got home, my mother-in-law had made the best, creamiest gnocchi soup with chicken and spinach, and it was just what I needed. There is nothing better than warm soup after giving birth. I need to get the recipe!

What are three things in your new mom starter pack?
1. A Solly Wrap (it’s a necessity)
2. A big water bottle
3. A comfy blanket. Lean into that time of hanging out on the couch in those early weeks while you heal and get to know that new baby!

What Solly pieces do you have? What's on your wishlist?
I have two wraps that I bounce back and forth between and would love to get some matching Christmas pajamas for the kids! 

Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Any fruity candy 
Children’s book: Our Little Adventures
Drink of choice: Water
Mama-time activity: Thrifting
Motherhood-related topic you could talk about for 15 min uninterrupted: The importance of getting your kids outside
After bedtime snack: Ice cream

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