Full Heart with Jim Scharpf – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Jim Scharpf

Full Heart with Jim Scharpf

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Mom and dad smile, holding young son on the beach

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Jim Scharpf
Children: Theodore "Teddy" (16 months)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Finance at Solly Baby

Father holds young son on shoulders and smiles

When and how did you get connected with Solly?
I first heard about Solly Baby like a lot of expecting Dads, when my wife added the wrap to our registry. We used it in the newborn phase to help Teddy nap and have skin to skin time, so I was first connected as a customer of the brand. Then, when I was looking to come back from paternity leave, I saw a post on LinkedIn from Nicole, Solly's CEO, looking for someone to head up Finance. It was a perfect fit, just having my first child and coming to work for a company that is focused on healthy babies and new parents has been amazing.

Father and son are face to face in pool, both resting on floaties.

What’s a time in the last week that left your heart feeling full?
It fills my heart to see how happy he makes other people, especially both sets of his grandparents. Whenever he enters the room they are full of joy and have the biggest smiles. As we get older we less often have those pure, involuntary reactions just to be in someone's presence, and I love to see him have that effect on others and a reminder to bring that happiness to other parts of my life.

Favorite thing about the Solly Wrap?
I'd say the independence that it gives you, so you can get things done around the house while soothing the baby. Looking back, it was great to have those snuggles with the baby super close to you, knowing now that when he becomes a toddler those go away.

Something about fatherhood that surprised you?
The chores and the laundry! We're still in an apartment in LA, and I am so thankful to have an in-unit washer, dryer and dishwasher (which hasn't always been the case). They are running 24/7 in our house. Every night after Teddy goes to sleep it's a marathon session of cooking, cleaning, and organizing; just to have it all devolve into chaos again in the morning. Luckily my wife and I are a great team and have settled into our roles for who does what, but late at night we'll look at each other and realize we still haven't gotten to the end of our to-do list.

Man holds baby son on the beach and smiles

Favorite activity to do with your little one(s)?
Our current favorite activity with Teddy is walking to the beach. We live about a 10 minute walk away, so we put him in the stroller and walk down to town first. We never know where we'll end up, the coffee shop, burrito stand, local brunch spot. We're often joined by our friends or Teddy's uncle Ben, so every time is fun and different. He loves to walk on the beach, see animals and planes fly by, and eat the occasional handful of sand. It's really fun to see him experience nature and be joined by people who love to make him laugh.

Tell us about the first time you traveled with baby.
When Teddy was a couple months old we went to Kauai with him. We were told by several friends with kids to take "one last trip" before he is crawling and walking and traveling with them gets so much harder. The Solly Wrap was a lifesaver during the six hour flights. When he was fussy or tired, we were able to put on the wrap and he immediately passed out for a nap. With limited space in a plane seat it was great to have him wrapped up secure against us. We have some other carriers, but being able to pack the Solly Wrap in the diaper bag and then wear something so comfortable without being pressed against buckles or straps made it the perfect travel solution. We also used Baby Quip to rent a pack n' play crib, a slumber pod, and crib sheets. They had them waiting at our rental and I would highly recommend.

Dad sits on the floor of baby nursery with son in his lap reading a book

What’s been the funniest or most unexpected moment you've experienced as a dad?
I think the most unexpected thing for me is how much you can miss someone who is just in the other room. When Teddy comes home from daycare it's a whirlwind of dinner, play and bath routines to get him to bed on time. And as soon as he's down I miss him and just want more time to hang out together. My wife and I joke that on the weekends we spend all day praying for him to take a nap, but when he goes to bed for the night we want to wake him up and play with him some more. We spend time every evening going through our Teddy videos from the day to laugh and soak in the memories he's making.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about fatherhood?
From my Mom, "Laugh a lot, turn on the music, and dance with the kids and your spouse! Let the kids see you love each other. It’s so easy to forget that kids emulate what they see."
And from my Dad, "If you're not a little scared of your dreams, you're not dreaming big enough."

Mom and dad swing on swing set with baby in mom's lap

Advice you would give to a soon-to-be dad?
I would say really focus on communicating with your partner. It's not the fun part of a relationship, but communicating about who’s doing what chores, what the schedule is for the week (work, doctors, time with friends/family), when you plan on working out or going to the grocery store. It really helps the other person to know they need to clear their schedule during that time and be able to focus 100% on the baby. I think it also helps you and your partner feel like a team, and that you can make time for yourself because you know you'll be supported. We always said it's not me vs. you, it's US vs. that baby lol.

And get a Costco membership.

How about a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Friday night Sushi with my wife
Pivot or Pardon My Take
Children’s Book:
The Jolly Mon by Jimmy Buffett
Dad-time activity:
Driving range or twilight round with friends
Post-bedtime with the kids snack:
Popcorn! Cooked stove top

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