Full Heart with Jenna Reichard – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Jenna Reichard

Full Heart with Jenna Reichard

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you; the community of parents doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. And the more we have the privilege of getting to know you (over emails and DMs and social media and real-life bump-ins), the more we’re inspired by your stories. So much so that we knew we needed a way to share them. Which is how our Full Heart Series came to be. As we share stories from moms and dads around the world, we hope you’ll find something here that resonates, encourages, and reminds you that parenting with a full heart comes in many forms. Enjoy.

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Jenna Reichard
Children: Rhema (7 months)
Location: Greenville, SC
Occupation: Stay at home mom

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
My heart felt extremely full the other day when we were sitting by a fire downtown as a family, and Rhema was bringing so much JOY to the family next to us. She really is the most smiley and joyful baby, and that is who she is—a bringer of joy. My cup was overflowing!

Husband and wife wearing all white smile on a hillside while holding up a baby onesie for a pregnancy announcement

Tell us about your journey to motherhood.
My husband and I got married in December 2021, and we knew we wanted to wait a little bit before having a baby. In July 2023, I was driving somewhere and randomly heard God say to me “the name of your first baby girl will be Rhema.” I thought that was so beautiful, but we weren’t trying at the time, so I put it on a shelf in my heart. About two weeks later, my husband randomly came to me, and he said he had peace about no longer naturally preventing. About two weeks after that conversation, I was pregnant!!!

It was shocking we got pregnant immediately, but it was also the most exciting blessing!!! I KNEW in my heart it was a girl because I don’t believe in coincidences. God gave me her name, and he gave my husband peace. It was her!!! Every fiber of my being knew that our little Rhema girl was growing in my womb. Our little blessing!

Pregnancy cravings?
Street Corn Elotes! I hadn’t had them since I was a kid, haha!

Black and white photo of a husband assisting his wife during a water birthBlack and white photo of mother holding her newborn baby

Birth story?
I gave birth to Rhema in our home on Maui. It was the most challenging yet beautiful and holy thing I have ever experienced. My labor was 14 hours total…much faster than anyone expected for a first-time mom! It was an answered prayer because one thing I prayed for was a fast labor and to labor during the day. I didn’t want to labor through the night. Labor started at 5:30 am, and she was born safely at home at 7:11 pm! I also prayed that I wouldn’t have to push for very long, and that prayer was answered, too—I only pushed for less than 10 minutes!

I labored alongside of my doula, midwife, and husband. My husband was such a rock for me during all of it. I leaned on him physically and mentally through every moment. I didn’t want him to leave my side! To keep it honest, I also experienced really painful back labor, which ended up resulting in a broken tailbone. That made postpartum incredibly hard mentally and very painful physically. I never thought about that even being a possibility, but  that is my story. At first, I was so scared I would never want to have another child, but in God’s kindness, He has removed all the trauma from my mind and body! I still remember everything, but I don’t have any trauma from it anymore. Praise God! I know that my next birth will be REDEMPTIVE!

Woman smiles with her eyes closed while she babywears in the Strawberry print Solly Baby wrap carrierWoman sits on a bench and looks out the window of her bedroom wearing her baby in the Strawberry Solly Baby carrier wrap

What was the fourth trimester like for you?
Postpartum was the hardest part of my journey. I was bedridden for two months due to a broken tailbone from labor and delivery. On top of that, our breastfeeding journey was excruciatingly painful. I kept saying “I’d rather go through birth 10 times in a row than have to experience the pain I did with breastfeeding.” I just wish more people talked about it because the more I’ve shared my story, the more women I’ve found who struggled silently with breastfeeding.

I ended up having severe postpartum anxiety and slight depression as well from it all…especially because I couldn’t even walk to just get outside and get some fresh air and sunshine. The Lord really kept me in those moments, along with my husband, and my sweet baby girl. I had a beautiful plumeria tree right outside of my bedroom window on Maui, and it gave me hope every day—that I would one day walk again and stand under that beautiful tree outside, with the sun kissing my skin. I knew that was a little gift from God to really give me hope in those moments.

Woman smiles while holding her baby to her chest in matching Winter Toile pajamas

Something about motherhood that has surprised you?
Breastfeeding was a huge shock to me! I didn’t realize how difficult it could be. It took a really heavy mental and physical toll on me, and things weren’t “pain-free” until around 5 months... I just wish more people would have prepared me for how difficult breastfeeding could potentially be. Not a lot of people talk about it, and I feel like everyone just thinks it comes naturally. Thankfully, now it feels very natural! I genuinely love it and I understand why so many say that it is a beautiful bonding experience between you and baby. It truly is.

Top three items you use in the newborn stage?
1. Solly Wrap
2. Muslin swaddle blankets
3. Tallow moisturizer

Woman wearing a white dress holds her newborn baby outdoors in the green grass

When do you feel at your best as a mom?
I feel my best as a mom when I get to take my daily walks outside in the sunshine with my girl… or after I get a solid nap, haha!

Something you didn’t put on your registry that you wish you would have?
A baby high chair

Something you did put on your registry but haven’t really used?
A bassinet. We ended up co-sleeping and selling it!

RELATED: A Registry Guide For First-Time Parents

What Solly pieces do you have? What’s on your wishlist?
I have the Strawberry Hat on my wishlist because I always call Rhema my little strawberry girl, as well as the Driftwood Stripe Sleeper because we are obsessed with Solly pj’s over here!!! And lastly, the Cream Houndstooth Nursing Cover!

Rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Hu Cashew Butter Chocolate
Children’s book: The World Needs Who You Were Made To Be
Drink of choice: Fresh-pressed grapefruit juice
Mama-time activity: Painting
Motherhood-related topic you could talk about for 15 min uninterrupted: Breastfeeding
After bedtime snack: Go Macro bars or my husband’s homemade bars

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