Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Diviya Loomba
Children: Yuvraj and Aman (9-month-old twins)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: VP of Eagle Fabrics
How did you get connected with Solly?
I connected with Solly when Elle (Solly’s founder) started the brand! The company I work for supports Solly with the design creation of all their prints. It's been such an honor to have been a part of the journey and growth of Solly Baby over the past decade. After so many years of looking forward to when I could become part of the Solly community, I'm so excited to finally be able to hold my babies in a wrap.
What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
Since both my boys were in the NICU for a few months, they developed oral aversions and feeding has been a challenge. Currently, we're in the process of introducing solid foods and just this week they both grabbed a piece of watermelon, held onto it, and put it to their mouth. After months of trying, it felt so good to see them accomplish this! Moments like this when they see and do new things make me so proud.
Favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
There's nothing quite like the feeling of holding my babies close when they're in the wrap. While in the NICU, both of my boys were hooked up to multiple wires and tubes to assist in their breathing and feeding. This made skin-to-skin incredibly challenging, but all the more necessary for them to feel that their mother was with them while growing in the NICU. The Solly Wrap was my go-to support to feel connected with them while in the hospital. The wrap helped me hold them and enjoy that incredible baby smell. It's also pretty miraculous how the wrap has magic sleepy dust when I babywear!
What’s something about motherhood that has surprised you?
Before becoming a mother, I thought that taking care of my baby would be the hardest challenge. But, I would say that the biggest shift has been the relationships in my life: my relationship with myself and feeling like my identity has changed, my relationship with my husband and learning how to navigate that we're no longer the most important person to each other, but now our kids are, and my relationship with our families and friends and understanding that things may not be as they were before. All of these relationships have changed and I'm now learning how to share the limited time that is available after having children. Although these relationships may be different, it's been a refreshing reminder to reflect on how I'd like these relationships to evolve and prioritize surrounding myself with the people that make my heart full.
When do you feel at your best as a mom?
I feel so great when I'm outside with my boys. I love going out, but during the fourth trimester we were home a lot, so now when I'm able to take them out and go to my favorite pier and see the ocean with them, it's my happy place.

Walk us through a typical day in your life.
When you're juggling twins, we survive on a schedule. It's both great and limiting at the same time. We play, feed, sleep and repeat. Having a schedule has allowed me to plan for when I will have a short break to take care of myself and the needs of our home. While this is great for short relief, it's also limiting of when we can venture out. I remind myself that this chapter is temporary as is most things with motherhood.
What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
Watch TV. I've been stuck on the same episode for three weeks!
First place you took your boys other than the pediatrician’s office?
One of my boys was in the NICU for three months so even before discharge, we got to go out on the balcony of the hospital so he could feel the sun. It was one of my favorite moments watching him mesmerized by the clouds and the blue sky. Even though we had all the machines attached to him, we absolutely loved having him in Solly Sleepers so we could keep him cozy outdoors. With two separate pieces, Solly Sleepers allowed us the flexibility we needed to have access to his wires while taking him outside in the fresh air which was incredibly special.
What’s something you loved to do before baby that you still do or would like to start up again?
Bollywood dancing! I used to do a class a couple times a week which I miss so much!
First thing you ate after giving birth?
In Indian culture, it's customary to eat warm and nurturing foods after birth. Thankfully my mom and sister cooked up a postpartum feast for me including rice and lentils, stewed fruit, fenugreek tea, lactation muffins, and turmeric milk.
What’s something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more?
That it's hard. Women can do some pretty incredible things. I felt like I could handle challenges before being a mom but now after having my twins, I am in awe of every mother's strength. Every mother has her own journey but the one thing that seems to be in common is that we do whatever it takes to keep our kids healthy, safe and loved.
Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
You can feel multiple things at once. You can be tired, sad, or angry at the same time as feeling empowered, happy, and proud. Accepting all of your feelings as they come helps you enjoy the journey.
Words of wisdom would you share with other moms?
Trust your instincts. At the end of the day, you know your baby best.
What are three things in your motherhood starter pack?
- Solly Wrap, Sleepers, Crib Sheets!
- A fun water bottle
- Super soft pjs
What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What's on your wishlist?
Wraps (Fern Chequer and Flax), Crib Sheets (Blue Toile and Driftwood Stripe), and a variety of The Sleepers! The Sleepers were a huge help for us in the NICU since there were so many wires to move around, we could easily slide the top on without disrupting their care. I'm excited to try the Pointelle Wrap!
Now, for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Acai bowls
Children’s book: Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Mama-time activity: Get a massage!
After bedtime snack: Peanut butter toast