Full Heart with Calley Rodman – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Calley Rodman

Full Heart with Calley Rodman

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you: the community of parents doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. And the more we have the privilege of getting to know you (over emails and DMs and social media and real-life bump-ins), the more we’re inspired by your stories. So much so that we knew we needed a way to share them. Which is how our Full Heart Series came to be. As we share stories from moms and dads around the world, we hope you’ll find something here that resonates, encourages, and reminds you that parenting with a full heart comes in many forms.

Woman holds baby in front of a pine tree and they're both bundled up

Let's start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Calley Rodman
Children: Hadley (8 years), Evangeline (4 years), Roan (2 months)
Location: Radnor, Ohio
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom

When is a time in the last week that your heart felt full?
While making cinnamon ornaments with my kids. It smelled so good in the house, it was snowing outside, and they had so much fun!

Woman takes mirror selfie holding baby close in a wooden mirror frame with a red gingham ribbon and greenery

What's something about motherhood that has surprised you?
That, at least for me, the third baby has been the easiest adjustment. He just fits so perfectly into our family and he is the most calm of all my babies.

Any encouragement you could share for parents who are nervous about adding a second or third (or fourth, or more!) baby to the mix?
Try not to have expectations of how it will go with the transition. I know that’s easier said than done. Give your older child plenty of grace and try not to plan too much at first. Have the first few days at home with the whole family (if possible) to adjust.

Define motherhood in five words or less.
Wild, messy, beautiful, joyful, blessing

Pregnancy cravings?
Salmon in a tortilla shell

Overhead view of women's legs sitting cross legged with baby's legs

When do you feel at your best as a mom?
When we all get to snuggle up on the couch and just be together.

A typical day in your life might look something like:
Wake up and get my oldest ready for school. Then get the baby up, fed, and dressed along with my 4-year-old daughter. Do some laundry and dishes. Have some playtime with the littles and then take my 4-year-old to preschool. During preschool, I either go pick up groceries or do errands. Then it’s time to pick up both girls from school. We head home, talk about our days, do homework, and prep for dinner!

Your style is beautiful. What are some of your favorite brands to shop for kids clothes? How about for yourself? Any brands (or pieces) in particular that you love for pregnancy + postpartum?
For kids: little cotton clothes, Jamie Kay, Zara, organic zoo, silly Silas. For me: I Pact, Sezane, Neuflora, and free people. Since having my baby I’ve been living in the “airplane flare set” by Pact. Super comfortable over a postpartum tummy.

What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
Craft, whether it be embroidery or knitting. I love to craft.

First place you took baby other than the pediatrician’s office?
Trader Joe’s

Something you loved to do before baby that would like to start up again eventually?
Singing at church.

First thing you ate after giving birth?

Any funny pregnancy stories?
I was nervous to be in the ocean while being pregnant but I needed to cool down so I went in about waist high. I ended up getting bit by a fish. It was the weirdest thing ever and I jumped and screamed pretty loudly. There was a lot of splashing involved. It didn’t even hurt—just scared me!

What's something about motherhood that you wish people talked about more?
How you are so happy when your baby is finally born but how much you miss them being in the womb. I could never even explain why or how I felt, it’s just one of those things.

Woman takes selfie with baby bundled in a cream woven blanket

What has the fourth trimester been like for you?
It’s been okay. Some days I feel like I’m thriving and then all of a sudden the littlest thing may go wrong and I feel like a failure as a mom. It’s just a hard season sometimes.

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
Don’t feel bad about saying no. Whatever that no means to you, have boundaries.

Three things in your new mom starter pack:
1. Solly Wrap
2. Pacifier lovey
3. Portable sound machine

Favorite memory in your Solly Wrap?
When Roan hadn’t been feeling his best and was sick, I wore him all afternoon. It was the first time he was able to nap all day. I felt like it was just what he needed. To be snuggled up next to his mama.

What Solly pieces do you have? What's on your wishlist?
I have a wrap and loads of pajamas and swaddles. I would love to try the cozy houndstooth wrap or the nursing cover!

Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Crossaints
Children’s book: Reindeer Express
Drink of choice: Iced caramel macchiato
Mama-time activity: Sewing/crafting
Motherhood-related topic you could talk about for 15 min uninterrupted: Baking
After bedtime snack: Madeleines

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