Full Heart with Brooke Thomas – Solly Baby

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Full Heart with Brooke Thomas

Full Heart with Brooke Thomas

Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.

Black and white portrait of mom and newborn baby. Both dressed in white and mom smiling with eyes closed and cheeks squished together

Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Brooke Thomas
Children: Bristol (6 months)
Location: Lancaster, PA
Occupation: Sonographer

Woman in formal green dress holds and looks at baby while smiling

What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
Bristol recently started babbling some new sounds and her favorite thing to say is "ma-ma". I don't think she connects it to me yet but it is still the sweetest thing to hear!

Three things in your motherhood starter pack?
1. Coffee, always!
2. Coterie diapers and wipes
3. Long walks around our neighborhood

Woman reaches out to young girl sitting on the counter eating a donut. The woman holds her baby in the White Pointelle Solly baby carrier

What was the fourth trimester like for you? 
The first few weeks postpartum were so hard. I felt like I was drowning and so alone. The lack of sleep, postpartum hormones, and physical healing really made that fourth trimester so challenging. Once she started sleeping better around six weeks, things really took a turn for the better, and now at six months postpartum, I feel like we are in such a good groove and the transition into motherhood has felt so natural to me. I look forward to every day with Bristol and watching her grow into the sweetest little girl. What an honor!

Birth story?
Five days before my due date, I woke up to contractions. They started around 2 am and although mild, were coming consistently right away. I knew if I was in early labor that rest was important so I tried to go back to sleep but didn't have any luck. I got out of bed and began to work through the contractions while moving throughout the house. The next few hours early in the morning were spent swaying back and forth in my kitchen, sitting on my birth ball, or relaxing in a warm bathtub. After doing things on my own for a bit, I woke my husband up around 5:30 am to let him know it was probably going to happen that day. Contractions were coming every couple of minutes but were easy to work through at that point. Unfortunately, I was dealing with back labor so I was in contact with my doula about how to hopefully get the baby to change positions in case that was the cause of it. In between applying counterpressure to help with the back pain, my husband was busy getting the house cleaned up and prepared for the birth. Around noon, the contractions were really intensifying. They were taking all of my concentration to get through and I was no longer able to talk through them. I texted my doula to ask her to come over because I needed some extra support.

Around 2 pm my doula, midwife, and her assistant all showed up. I was 7cm dilated and things really got moving. The next two-plus hours were spent laboring through the most intense contractions. I was so excited when the birthing tub was finally set up. I spent some time there but ultimately it didn't offer me the relief I was hoping for and I was craving more movement through each contraction so I hopped out and continued to try different positions.

Around 4:30 pm I was 10cm and ready to push. I pushed for a long two hours and finally, while on all fours, Bristol was born at 6:13 pm. She was placed on my chest and let out a beautiful little cry almost right away. We waited until birth to find out the gender so my husband got to tell me we had a little girl! The moment she was on me was the closest I had ever felt to heaven. After making sure both baby girl and I were okay and healthy, the birth team stepped out and allowed us to bask in the moment as a new family of three. It was the most surreal feeling and I wish I could relive it a million times over again! After that, a more thorough check was done on Bristol and by 8 pm my husband and I and our sweet new baby girl were cuddled in bed for the night. 

What are some ways that you prepared for your home birth?
Home birth has always interested me. My mom had 3/4 of her children at home so a part of me always wondered if I could do it. As someone who works in healthcare, I recognize and appreciate modern medicine and how it can be crucial in some birth situations. I knew going into my pregnancy that I wanted to feel confident in my decision of either a home or hospital birth and I am so grateful that I have the option to choose between the two. I believe that our bodies are perfectly created and designed by God for birth and I also realize that we live in an imperfect world, things go wrong, and our bodies can fail us. It was important to me to choose a midwife that came recommended by word of mouth which took a while to find so I didn't switch from an OBGYN to midwifery care until around the 20th week of pregnancy. I found a list of questions to ask a midwife through someone's Instagram page and met with her. After "interviewing" her, talking to my husband, and a lot of prayer, we decided to move forward with a home birth.

To prepare practically, I read a couple of books (Ina May's Guide to Childbirth + Holy Labor), I watched a lot of Built to Birth's YouTube videos, as well as digging into Mama Natural's book and videos online. I was disciplined in getting to the gym 2-3 times a week, doing a lot of core work and also purchased all of the supplies my midwife had recommended. On the more mental side of preparation, I listened to positive and also realistic podcasts on home birth (Birthing Instincts), watched so many birth vlogs on Instagram, spent a lot of time in prayer, and I practiced mental challenges (ice holding) as well as different breathing techniques to use during labor. 

Any tips or advice for other expecting first-time mamas looking to have a home birth?
When it comes to birth, I think the most important thing is feeling confident and safe in your decision! If you decide to move ahead with a home birth, having a qualified midwife that you can trust is critical. Someone that you know will be able to make decisions that will keep you and baby safe and won't hesitate if a hospital transfer is necessary.

I also believe having your spouse on board with your decision of a home birth is huge! You will need their support more than anything during laborand birth, so it is so important to be on the same team and page as each other.

My last tip is to really consider a doula! While your spouse can help you in so many ways, the doula will be equipped with different methods and techniques that they may never have known of or considered. A doula will know your birth plan, wishes, and expectations before the day comes and they can help with communication between you and your midwife when you are in labor. If you have a low-risk pregnancy and home birth interests you, I would encourage you to look into it! Birth was the hardest and most amazing thing I have ever done and doing it in the comfort of my own home is something I will always be so grateful for. Ultimately, no matter how you bring or have brought your baby/babies into this world, I think you are so incredible!!!! 

Woman holds baby and smiles as she walks on the coast and the wind blows against her

Words of wisdom would you share with other moms?
Even if it feels daunting, getting out of the house those first few weeks postpartum will make you feel so much better! It's a nice reminder that life is still continuing on even if yours might feel a little chaotic at the moment. 

Woman leans head and rests it on baby's head in the Bleu Toile Solly wrap.

Favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
I love love having my baby so close while also having my hands free. The Solly Wrap is soo soft and snug and I love how secure my baby feels when in the wrap. I used the wrap daily when Bristol was a newborn but even now if she is hard to settle and not wanting to nap in her crib, I will put her in the Solly Wrap and she loves it!

Woman in white dress looks down at sleeping baby resting on her knees wearing a white dress and white bow headband

How do you define your role as a mother?
I feel that my role as Bristol's mother, first and foremost is to make sure she always knows she is loved by myself, her father, and most importantly, Jesus. I want to raise her to be a kind, loving, and humble human.

Tell us something about motherhood that surprised you.
How much fun it is to watch your baby hit milestones! You feel so proud of them even by accomplishing just the smallest things! 

What would you do with an extra hour in the day (other than sleep)?
Get a babysitter and head to the thrift store, gym, or out to coffee with a friend!

First outing with baby?
To her grandma and grandpa's house to spend time with her cousins and aunts and uncles!

Woman wearing athletic clothes and a hat, tilts head towards her baby in the White Pointelle Solly Wrap baby carrier

What’s something you loved to do before baby that you still do or would like to start up again (eventually)?
I loved going to the gym—usually just 2-3 times a week. Since returning to work part-time in the evenings, it has been harder to make it there! Hoping to get this back into my routine somehow or maybe set up a small home gym in my basement to get a workout in at home!

Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
Always go with your gut! Mama knows her baby best.

Woman takes mirror selfie in bedroom wearing sweats and baby in the Cacao Solly Wrap baby carrier

What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What’s on your wishlist?
I have a Wrap, Swaddle, and a pair of pajamas that Bristol has now grown out of, but we loved! Next on my wish list is a Nursing Cover and a Crib Sheet!

Time for a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: An iced maple latte
Podcast: The Homegrown Podcast
Children’s book: On The Night You Were Born
Mama-time activity: Thrifting
After bedtime snack: Homemade popcorn

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