Creativity and Motherhood with @gretasschwester – Solly Baby



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Creativity and Motherhood with @gretasschwester

While doing it all is not attainable and we’re relieved to really understand that, enjoying and living what you love most is pure inspiration for our motherhood and creativity and Sarah Neuendorf has such a pretty tale to tell! As an illustrator, owner of the young Berlin label Greta’s Schwester, and new mama working alongside her baby girl, Sarah’s shop, feed and life are a display of beauty, nature, creativity, grace, gratitude and happiness. Read how her artistry influences her motherhood, how she finds a balance between creativity and parenting and the lessons she hopes to draw for her daughter, below. Your life looks so magical. Will you share a little bit about your background and how/why nature and creativity and beauty plays such a big part? "I grew up in Berlin and probably will stay here my whole life. I love living in this city! Maybe that's why I am so fascinated by nature, because it's so different. Since I was a little girl I loved traveling and every time I am unable to travel I illustrate myself away and create new worlds and travel destinations on paper." How was your lovely shop Greta's Schwester born? "When my sister-in-law became pregnant with her first child I illustrated a baby welcome card for her little girl. A lot of people liked that I was not using pink, light blue or other typical baby motifs. A little later I created a baby book and then my business kind of grew on its own." How has your artistry shaped/influenced your motherhood? "I would like to pass on my creativity to her. In the future, there will be a lot of drawing and creating. Since she is a little baby right now we try to read her a lot of stories, play our favourite music and surround her with self-made toys (unfortunately it is always the industrially made toys, those I feel are pretty awful to look at, that she enjoys the most ;)" Your "How We Work Right Now" series is inspiring! What does it mean for you to be able to work alongside your baby girl? "My work is a big part of my life. I love it, it makes me happy and defines me. I think without my work I would be an unsatisfied mum." What were some of your most special firsts as a new mama? "Her first smile, the first time I carried her around in my striped Solly Baby wrap (I was so proud) and the first time she hugged her teddy bear. But actually every first is very exciting for me.." What advice would you give other creatives balancing their art with their motherhood? "The first few weeks are easy. The baby sleeps a lot and everybody is relaxed with you not doing the job right away. Later it becomes more challenging and you have to accept that everything takes a little bit longer and has to fit the daily routine of your baby." What are your dreams for your little family? "I want us to spend as much time as possible together and traveling. And in a few years I am hoping to give my daughter a baby brother or sister."

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