5 Ways to Survive the Witching Hour – Solly Baby

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5 Ways to Survive the Witching Hour

5 Ways to Survive the Witching Hour

It’s something every new parent experiences at some point. The clock strikes 5 pm and in a moment, your sweet, smiley newborn goes from calm to fuss-bucket. Aptly named, there’s nothing spookier than the witching hour. As a team of parents ourselves, we’ve experienced our fair share of witching hour woes, and we’ve found the following five things to be tried-and-true antidotes.

Antidote No. 1: Wrap that babe
This is our first line of defense every. single. time. And for good reason: The womb-like feeling of the wrap helps baby to feel secure, safe, and comfortable. Plus, it means that you can continue with your night without it being hijacked by tending to a fussy babe. Make dinner, do some chores, or play with older siblings. The night is yours!

Antidote No. 2: Get comfortable
It’s easier to help baby relax if you are relaxed first. Before the witching hour strikes, take a few minutes to do something that calms you—perhaps take a warm shower or bath, listen to soothing music, or enjoy a warm beverage. A little preparation can give you the bandwidth you need to support baby from a place of love and rest instead of frustration.

Antidote No. 3: Take a bath together
We’re big believers that water is a cure-all for pretty much everyone, baby included. The sound of a running faucet alone can be calming for a fussy babe, but you could take it up a notch by giving baby a bath or taking one together by placing baby on your stomach or back and laying a warm washcloth on their back.

Antidote No. 4: Change the environment
If baby is overstimulated, they won’t be able to calm down. Try moving to a quieter, less distracting space if possible. That might mean away from the big kids for a little while into a cool, dark bedroom, or even outside where the sound of wind and birds can help ground and soothe baby. 

Antidote No. 5: Get out
Find yourself feeling antsy when you’ve been cooped up inside the house all day? Baby probably does, too! Use the witching hour as your time to get out of the house for a walk around the neighborhood (bonus points if it’s a wrap ‘n’ walk), a quick trip to run errands, or just a drive around the block.

And the final antidote? Plenty of grace for yourself. Remember, a fussy baby is not indicative of your abilities as a parent, and the witching hour has a name because it’s something so many babies (and as a result, their caretakers) experience. Let go of too-high expectations, accept that the witching hour is all but inevitable, and remind yourself that this won’t last forever. You’ve got this, friend!


Cover photo, courtesy of @rachelgraceroark.

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