Our favorite thing about Solly Baby is you—the community of moms and dads doing the beautiful, messy, important work of raising little ones. In our weekly Full Heart Series, we're sharing stories from our Solly Community that resonate, inspire, and remind us we're never alone. Join us as we savor these everyday moments that leave our hearts full.
Let’s start with a quick introduction. Tell us the facts.
Name: Darlene Marmolejo
Children: John (2.5 years) and Lillian (9 months)
Location: Goodlettsville, TN
Occupation: Mom
When did you get connected with Solly?
When I had my first baby in June 2021
What’s a time in the last week when your heart has felt full?
My heart was overflowing when my toddler said “I love you mommy” for the first time. We were on our way to the grocery store and he made something so mundane become embedded in my heart and memory forever. Toddlers are special. They make us so tired, oh so proud, and definitely fill our hearts immeasurably.
What is your favorite thing about your Solly Wrap?
I couldn’t be the mom I am today without the Solly Wrap. The Solly Wrap is a necessity when you have a busy toddler to chase around. Most importantly, the wrap gives me an opportunity to love on my baby and get things done simultaneously. It gives me the chance to have a sense of normalcy and identity in the midst of busy motherhood. It allows me to still take part in my hobbies and interests which I cherish. You can still do everything you wish to do in motherhood, but it might look a little different. I'm able to do so much thanks to the Solly Wrap and both my children adore(d) being in it.
What’s something about motherhood that has surprised you?
Something that has surprised me about motherhood is the continuous growth. Not only do you witness your babies growing so quickly, but us moms go through so much growth. Continuous growth with each season that motherhood brings. Each season and stage is new to us, and it forces us to grow, adapt, and change as women. We morph into exactly who our children need us to be. We are everything to our babies.
Favorite piece of advice you’ve received about motherhood?
They won’t remember the house being spotless or the basket of laundry that’s always in the corner, but they’ll remember the time you spent with them.
What ’s something about motherhood you wish people talked about more?
Learning to surrender to the season you’re in. Our babies are only babies for such a short amount of time, and although some days are challenging, it goes by so quickly. One day our living rooms won’t be covered in toys, our windows won’t be covered in tiny finger prints, and our houses will be quiet and we’re gonna look back and miss it. Being a mom is the hardest job on the planet and most rewarding. Every mom has their struggles, but just know there is someone you can relate to that is in the same season you are in. Embrace the season, surrender to it, and it’ll change before you know it. You are not alone!
What was the transition like from 1-2 kids?
Going from 1-2 was much harder than 0-1. Although my heart grew double in size I still felt very divided. With time it has gotten so much easier. They are playing together and laughing together. It is so special to witness that sibling bond develop. He adores his sister and she adores her brother.
Three baby products you can ’t live without?
The Solly Baby Wrap of course! Also, the Hatch sound machine and Silverette nursing cups (they saved me in the beginning stages of breastfeeding!).
Words of wisdom would you share with other moms?
Some words of wisdom I would love to share with other moms is that you are everything to your baby. Throughout all the self doubt, you are all your baby needs. Cherish each phase and season. It goes so fast.
What Solly pieces(s) do you have? What’s on your wishlist?
I have the Sea Stone Wrap and I love the Cottage Collection and any florals, neutrals, and greens!
How about a round of rapid-fire favorites…
Indulgence: Peanut butter chocolate cups
Podcast: Birthing Instincts w/ Dr. Fishbien & Blyss
Children's Book: Anything by Eric Carle!
Mama-time activity: Reading, bath, or sourdough making
After bedtime snack: Siete chips! Or homemade sourdough with peanut butter and honey