5 Babywearing Ideas For Creating Lasting Memories This Summer – Solly Baby

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5 Babywearing Ideas For Creating Lasting Memories This Summer

5 Babywearing Ideas For Creating Lasting Memories This Summer

Summer is such a special time when you have little ones. When you get to experience a new season in a new light with a babe wrapped up on your chest, it helps you have a new appreciation for the simple things we might normally take for granted.

Use what is left of the season to create memories that you’ll treasure forever. Need some ideas to finish out your summer strong? Here are a few of our favorite ways to create lasting memories this summer all while keeping that babe wrapped up close to your heart.

Visit a local farm. 
If your city has a nature retreat or a local farm, it'll make for a really fun, low-key day trip you can do with big siblings in tow (or just one-on-one!). Take your time as you meander and look at the animals, talking to your babe about each one as you go. Stand face-to-face with a sunflower or enjoy the cooling shade of a large oak tree while you take a nursing break. 

Frequent your local farmers market.
In that same vein, a visit to your local farmers market is fun for both you and baby. You get to stock up on fresh produce and seasonal blooms while your baby gets a chance to explore new textures and colors. Show your child the fruits and veggies and let her smell sweet fruits and vibrant flowers. 

Go berry-picking. 
Are you sensing a theme yet? Getting outdoors in the summer might sound a bit daunting, especially if you live somewhere extra warm, but with the right clothing, babywearing doesn’t have to dampen your plans. (Have you heard? Our buttery-soft wraps are incredibly lightweight and breathable for year-round wearing.) Find a local spot where you can go berry-picking and enjoy a day filling buckets of yummy strawberries or blackberries. Make a fresh purée for babe if they're ready for solids, or make yourself something tasty (strawberry shortcake or blackberry crumble, anyone?) to enjoy as a treat after baby goes to sleep.

Dip your toes in. 
Head to your local body of water or pool for a way to escape the heat. Although wearing your Solly Wrap while swimming in shallow water is fine, we don't recommend it if you're wading deep enough for it to become wet. If you take your big kids to the splash pad at your local park, however, feel free to splash away with baby snuggled close.

Take the pictures. 
Trust us when we say you’re going to miss this stage, so take the photos. Even if you’re feeling sweaty, exhausted and the opposite of camera-ready, you’ll want to be able to look back at the memories of snuggling your baby during the summer. They might eventually outgrow being worn, but you’ll never forget the feeling of wearing them close.

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