Preparing For Baby with Jenni Kayne – Solly Baby

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Preparing For Baby with Jenni Kayne

Preparing to bring home a new baby is one of the most exciting times of a new mama and dad's life, coupled with plenty of anticipation, a little bit of worry, and a whole lot of wonder! We couldn’t think of a better lady to turn to for words of wisdom and tasteful newborn and new mama must-haves for this big season than expecting mom of (almost) three and our newest collaboration designer, Jenni Kayne. Read her tips and top essentials and then take that deep breath after trusting her parenting mantra, “everything is just a phase.” You’re ready for this, mama! line_less-white-space In light of “nesting,” what are your favorite baby items that stay true to your personal style? ( In addition to the Heritage Plaid Wrap ) 01. Egmont Toys animal nightlights— These sweet nightlights emit the softest glow. I love their vintage, heirloom feel. 02. Moumout Paris changing pads from Advice from a Caterpillar— These are made from chemical-free cotton muslin in Portugal. So soft and easy to wash. 03. Inter-American Trading alpaca teddy bears— The softest, sweetest stuffed toys! I’m a fan of gifting these as well. 04. A Bonton crib— I love this simple, no-fuss beach wood crib, which comes in different soft colors depending on the season. 05. Danish sheep rocker from Smallable— Made from hand-carved pine and genuine lambswool, these little rockers are sweet in a nursery and adored by toddler-age children.     What routine helps you feel most like yourself postpartum? Taking a bath and getting dressed! It’s so easy to stay in your pajamas all day but I always feel better once I make a little effort. Please share your favorite nursing-friendly pieces for new mamas. Button down shirts and oversized sweaters are comfortable and look great. A portable pump is essential so that you can pump at work or in your car. Glass bottles for baby. Mother’s Milk tea to help with supply. And keeping lecithin supplements and cabbage on hand in case you get clogged milk ducts is always a good idea. What beauty product would you be sure to share with a best mama friend? I love Pinxav diaper cream, which has been around forever. It’s 30% zinc oxide so it’s pretty thick but it really works. My kids have never had diaper rash!     What top newborn essentials save your sanity? 01. My Solly Baby wrap was a lifesaver when I had my daughter Ripley, so working with the Solly Baby team to design something before I have my next child has been a dream. I will be using our collaboration wrap on the daily. 02. Touch lights where I need them most-- next to my bed, at the changing table, and in the bathroom, so that I don’t need to turn on bright lights when the baby stirs in the middle of the night. 03. Swaddles are also a must; especially during those first precious weeks when your newborn is often wrapped up. You can use them in a million different ways after that. 04. A tummy tub for bath time. 05. An exercise ball to bounce on; soothing to baby and good movement for mom. 06. My pump for a little freedom from constant nursing!     How do you choose to take care of yourself with a new babe at home? A long bath is the best and I love a postpartum massage. I do try to nap when the baby naps. This is age-old advice for a reason! I limit visitors to keep things simple and calm for the first few weeks as well. And I eat nourishing, healing food and listen to my body for cues on what to eat, drink, and do. What’s your secret to making your home a sanctuary? In addition to soft lights and keeping things low-key in terms of visitors, I also think just having a clean home always feels really nice. When you have a newborn at home, and especially if you have other kids running around, things can get out of control pretty quickly. Keeping things orderly and clean within reason always helps me feel relaxed and at ease. Do you have a helpful parenting mantra? Everything is just a phase. Don’t get too stressed about what is happening in one given moment, because it will likely change within a day, week, or month. Also just trying to be present is always important to me. It truly does go by so quickly so I'm always reminding myself to slow down and be there.  

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