The New Parent’s Guide to a Long Weekend Staycation – Solly Baby

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The New Parent’s Guide to a Long Weekend Staycation

The New Parent’s Guide to a Long Weekend Staycation

When you’re newly postpartum and spending the majority of your days at home in a milky haze, you might just find yourself with a serious case of summer vacation FOMO. As nice as it might sound to jump on a plane and head somewhere tropical, it might not be feasible (financially or logistically) with a new babe in tow.

But a new baby doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your summer break, too. Planning a staycation can be the perfect way to escape daily doldrums without the mental and physical gymnastics required of traveling with an infant. Here’s a guide to a happy summer getaway—no passport required. 

P.S. If you are planning to travel with your baby this summer, we've got tips for that,  too.  

Make a Staycation Schedule
Before you embark on your staycation, make a plan. Without one, it’s too easy to fall into your usual rhythms. Consider what sounds like the ideal staycation set-up (with baby in mind), schedule it out, then prepare accordingly. Get your grocery shopping done, take care of the laundry, and tidy up—because none of those things are allowed during your staycay. 

Cut the Distractions
One of the best things about traveling is stepping out of the day-to-day, unplugging, and enjoying time with the family. Recreate that feeling at home by turning off devices for the day. If your ideal staycation includes binge-watching Netflix while baby naps, have at it. But maybe slow the IG scroll and enjoy some social media-free time for 24 hours?

Curate Your Happy Place
Think about your ideal scenario. Maybe it’s in bed with cozy pillows, a candle burning, and reruns of your favorite show. Or perhaps it’s in a chair out on the deck with a good read and ice cold drink. Gather (or order) whatever you need to create your happiest space (you aren’t buying plane tickets, so go ahead and splurge for that $36 candle if you love it). This is your permission to create a staycation haven. 

Create Spa Moments
Even if you can’t spend a whole day for a spa retreat, you can create spa "moments" throughout the day. Arrange with your partner to take turns sleeping in. A good night of sleep and not needing to rush out of bed feels like a treat. Book a pedi and bring your favorite magazine. Run a bath with some beautiful bath salts. Set the mood with a dreamy candle and some relaxing music. Infuse sparkling water or coconut water with fruit, mint, or cucumber and keep it nearby. 

Treat Your Tastebuds
No cooking during your staycation! If you’re feeling adventurous, visit a new restaurant you’ve been meaning to try. If you’re not quite ready to brave a meal out with baby, try packing a picnic at the park or ordering in your favorite take-out. The key is not having to deal with cooking and cleaning. 

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