Our Shop Small Gift Guide
As Small Business Saturday comes around each year, we can't help but feel extra grateful for all the sweet shops that inspire us year-round. While the list of businesses we love and support is endless, we're sharing just a few of our favorites in hope of helping you find the perfect gift for your nearest and dearest this holiday season (and maybe even helping your nearest and dearest find the perfect gift for you—never hurts to send them a link, right?).
For kiddos
Tubby Todd Christmas Bundle: We love the good, clean fun from our friends at TT and their holiday scents are delectable.
Briar Baby Pom Bonnet: If there's anything cuter than a baby in a bonnet with a giant pom-pom on top, we're not aware of it.
Hazel Village Dolls: We're torn between Lucy the Owl and Gwendolyn Raccoon!
Gathre Midi Mat: The perfect size mat for playtime, arts and crafts, or a fun picnic.
Brave & Kind Book Bundles: A gift that keeps on giving! Obsessed with these monthly subscriptions and curated book bundles for little ones from this family-owned bookstore in Decatur, GA.
Plain Jane Holiday PJ's: Did you get new pajamas on Christmas Eve when you were a kid? It's such a fun tradition!
Solly Dolly Wrap: Can't forget a mini wrap for your tiny human!
For mamas
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